#57 Eddie Lack Imagine

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You enter the hotel that you work at in Calgary and put your stuff in the back room before adjusting your suit jacket and name pin. You walk back to the front desk and tell Amy that she can go home. She thanks you, and you log onto your work account on the computer. All of a sudden, you see a huge group of guys walk into the hotel with blue and green bags. Who seems to be the leader walks up and puts his ID on the counter.

"We rented out a whole floor for the next couple of nights," he tells me.

You look him up in the virtual log and type a few things into the keyboard before giving him the envelope of cards. He thanks you hands them out. While everybody else goes to the elevators or stairs, one guy hangs back. You look at him, and your eyes lock. What you don’t know is that he’s been staring at you since he first stepped into the building.

"Can I help you with anything, sir?" you ask him.

He shakes his head as if he’s focusing on the real world, and you repeat your question. He shakes his head and rushes to the stairway. You get back to work and check people in and out. The desk phone rings, so you answer.

"Front desk. This is Y/N speaking. How can I help you?" you ask.

"Um, can I-uh…can I please have some spaghetti sent up to my room?" you hear a voice ask. You hear an accent, but you can’t pinpoint which nationality it is.

"Absolutely. What room?" you ask.

"Uh, 310."

"And what’s your name?"

"Eddie Lack."

"Okay, That will be sent up soon, sir."

He hangs up, and you put the phone down on the receiver. You finish what you’re doing and end your shift. The next day is the same. Spaghetti is sent to room 310, and then you see the same group of guys from yesterday leaving. You notice the man from before walking by with some sauce on the corners of his mouth.

"Mr. Lack?" you call out.

He turns to you, looking shocked. You grab a tissue from the box on the counter and hold it out for him.

"You have some sauce on your mouth," you tell him.

He takes it from you and wipes it away. When he turns to you, you smile and nod, and he thanks you before catching up with his friends.

You don’t see him for a while before he returns around one in the morning. He stumbles towards the desk and gives you a goofy grin. You look up at him, and he takes your hand in his.

"You’re-you’re preeettyyyyy. Wan-wanna go on a-a date sometime?" he slurs.

"Mr. Lack-"

"Eddie. Call me Eddie."

"Eddie, you’re pretty drunk right now. Do you want me to get somebody to help you upstairs?" you ask.

"Can you help me?" he asks, giving you the puppy dog eyes. You notice how blue his eyes are when he does this.

You sigh and have Amy cover for you as you go to the elevator, helping him walk correctly. He grabs your butt as you step in the elevator, and you jump. Normally, you would scold the person and get somebody else to help, but for some reason, this felt different.

When you reach his room, he thanks you and kisses your cheek before going in, closing the door behind him. You shake your head and go back downstairs.

The next morning, he and his friends start to check out. You notice him and blush as you remember the gesture he made towards you in the elevator. He walks up to the desk and hands you a slip of paper before leaving with everyone. You open it and look down to see a number with a note.


What I did last night was unacceptable and downright embarrassing. Please let me take you out to dinner the next time my team and I come back to Calgary to make it up to you. For now, please use this number to keep in touch with me. I would love you get to know you.


You smile and look at the door. You see him staring at you, so you wave and nod. He smiles back and gets on the bus that’s parked out front.


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