#82 Val Nichushkin Imagine

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You were at the grocery store on a Tuesday morning trying to find the right cantaloupe. As you tested each one for ripeness, you saw someone watching you. He looked curious as he tried to figure out what you were doing. He approached you carefully and picked up a cantaloupe, trying to mimic your actions.

“Trying to find one that’s ripe enough,” you explained, but he still looked confused. “My mom taught me that you have to press lightly at the center, and if it gives a little, then it’s ready to eat.” You smiled back at him, but he still looked confused.

“мускусная дыня?” He asked, and you looked questioningly at him. He squeezed the cantaloupe again. “это достаточно созрели?”

You didn’t know what he was saying, or even what language it was, so you shrugged and shook your head. “I’m sorry, I don’t speak…umm, Russian?”

He nodded and pulled out his phone with a grin, like he’d just gotten an idea. He scrolled through his apps until he found something. He held his phone up and repeated what he’d said.

“Cantaloupe?” The phone read back in its artificial, monotone voice. 

“Yes! A translator app,” you opened your phone and began downloading the itranslator. Once the app downloaded you opened it and set it to Russian. After a short conversation about cantaloupe ripeness, you two were ready to part ways and continue shopping, when he held the phone up and said something in Russian.

“Would you like to get coffee after this?” The phone said, and he smiled at you. You were surprised and didn’t know how to reply, so you smiled and nodded. After you finished your shopping, you met him at the coffee shop he’d suggested, and he was at a table in the corner with two cups of coffee waiting for you.

“Thanks, Val,” you said as you sat across from him.

“With cream and two sugars,” he said through the translator app as he pushed a mug toward you. You smiled and thanked him, and asked him about his job. His face lit up, and he started talking too fast for the translator app. The translation came out mixed up and unclear; you both laughed and he smiled awkwardly.

“Sorry,” he apologized, and tried to talk slower. You listened intently as he told you about his career and the Dallas Stars.

“I’ve never been to a game,” you said into the app and when it translated, he smiled.

“Would you like to? I can get you really nice tickets,” he offered with a smile.

“Really? I’d like that,” you smiled back.


(sorry it’s short)

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