#102 Gabriel Landeskog Imagine

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"Hey what are you doing tonight?" Gabe asked as soon as you picked up your phone.

"Um probably just watching Criminal Minds all night.  Why?" You ask.

"Nathan’s throwing, in his words, a total rager and everyone’s invited.  So, because you’re my only friend not on the team I would like to invite you."

"Yeah I guess I’ll come.  I think I owe him a rematch at shot gunning a beer anyways."

"Great!  I’ll pick you up at 9!" Gabe said and hung up.

You glanced up at the clock, it was 4:37.  You decided to take a shower at 5 because the Criminal Minds episode that was on was too good to leave in the middle of.  At 5 o’clock you got up to shower.  After your shower you walked into your bedroom to pick out what to wear.

You went with a pair of high waisted shorts with a cool pattern and rips and an Aztec printed crop top.  You curled your hair into big curls and did very natural makeup.  You ate a quick salad before hearing a knock on your door.  You slipped your phone in your pocket as you walked to open the door for Gabe.  He was wearing khaki shorts and a blue button down.  Too dressy for a “rager” in your opinion but whatever.

There wasn’t any talking in the car which was fine with you.  When you got to Nate’s you practically jumped out of the truck to find him.  You wanted to get this contest over with as soon as possible.  You found him by a keg with his bestfriend Jonathan.

"Are we shot gunning now or later?" You ask Nate.

"Well are you planning on spending all night with your head in a toilet?" Nate asked.


"You know what they say… Beer before liquor never sicker, liquor before beer you’re in the clear."

"I don’t even think that’s true.  But if you want I’ll take a shot of whatever."

"Here." Jonathan said and handed you two shot glasses from a tray next to him.  You took the shots back to back without even cringing at the burn going down your throat.

"Ok let’s go MacKinnon!" You said and walked over to a cooler where the beers are.  You grab two and hand him one.

"No no no they have to be the same kind.  Give me yours we’re using Coors."

"But I like Labatt!"

"Nope." Nate said and poked holes in both cans.

"Ok one, two, three go!" Jonathan shouted and you started chugging. You dropped your can right before Nate did.

"Ha!  I won again!"

"I never tell my secrets." You tell Nate before walking away to see who else is at this "rager".  You were just about to walk into the house when you felt someone grab your waist.  They lifted you up and threw you into the pool.  When you came up to the surface you saw Nate bent over laughing.

"Damnit Nate!  I hate you!" You said and hit the water with your hands.  You swam over to the stairs and climbed out of the pool.  Nate was still laughing and didn’t notice you came up behind him.  He was standing close to the edge so, you took the opportunity to push him in.  You didn’t stay by the pool to watch his reaction, instead you went into his house to change.

You knew you had some clothes left here from when your old roommate temporarily kicked you out.  You went into the guest bedroom and found you only had a pair of jeans left.  The rest must be at Kennedy’s, you thought as you slipped your jeans on.  You quickly made your way across the hall into Nate’s room.  In his closet you found a ton of Avs shirts that Nate never wore…He won’t miss one, you thought as you slipped a MacKinnon shirt over your head.  

When you got back outside you noticed Gabe was standing off to side, looking upset.  You sent him a smile but seemed to make him more upset.  He started to storm off towards his truck.

"Gabe wait!!" You said and ran to catch up with him.  "What’s wrong?"

"I just don’t feel like being here anymore."

"It was your idea to come Gabe."

"You don’t get it Y/N!"

"What’s there to get Gabe?!  You invited me to a party, I said I’ll come, and now you’re mad that I’m not by your side?  I have other friends here too you know!" You shout back at Gabe.

"I like you!"

Your jaw dropped.  “You what?”

Gabe closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.  “Dammit I didn’t mean to say that.” He slowly said.

You walk towards him and jump into his arms, catching him by surprise.  You place a kiss on his lips before pulling away.  “I like you too.”


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