#26 Gabriel Landeskog Imagine

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You were at an Avalanche game watching your husband, Gabriel Landeskog, doing what he does best. You are 9 months pregnant and about ready to pop. You’re about a week away from the due date and Gabe didn’t want you coming to any more games in case something happened. But, you reassured him that you’ll be in the family suite with the other WAGS and that you would be fine. All of sudden Gabe gets a breakaway and scored the tie breaking goal. You jump up with everyone cheering about the goal, when all of a sudden you get a sharp pain in your abdomen and something wet go down your leg. You grab your stomach in pain and realize your water just broke. Ashley Grossaint, Matt Duchene’s girlfriend looks at you and says “Y/N are you ok?” “No, I think my water just broke.” You reply looking her panicked. Her eyes widen “Y/N we need to get you to a hospital now!” “But Gabe’s still playing how’s he going to know!” you say panicking. “One of the girls will go down and talk to the coach, but right now we need to go.” Ashley says leading you out of the suite.

  The car ride to the hospital was pretty much hell on earth. The pain was excruciating. Luckily Cynthia Phaneuf, Max Talbot’s girlfriend, was nice enough to come along since she already had a child and she helped you through the contractions that best she could. Amidst all the pain you were going through you were also scared. You and Gabe are so young what if he didn’t make to the birth of your guys first child? What if didn’t really want it? What if-. “Y/N were at the hospital.” Cynthia says pulling you out of your thoughts. You give her a weak smile in return and notice a nurse standing there with a wheelchair. You sit in it and she starts rolling you down to the Maternity section of the hospital. When you get to the room they change into one of the flimsy hospital gowns and they set you on the bed. The doctor comes in to check how dilated you are. “Well, Mrs. Landeskog I’d say were have about one hour until you’re fully dilated.” Your eyes widen in pain and shock. You thought that it would take longer than that and what if Gabe doesn’t make it in time. An half an hour later you’re still lying on the bed eating ice chips in hope in would take pain away from the contractions. The doctor came in again and said you would be ready very soon. Now you’re really freaking out. Thankfully, Ashley and Cynthia were there to help calm you down. All of sudden you hear heavy feet running towards your room. Then, the door slams open and there is Gabe dressed in the silly hospital scrubs looking all wild eyed. But when he sees you, you notice his eyes soften. With all the hormones running through you and the fact that Gabe will be here to witness the birth of your child you just start crying. Gabe runs over and cradles your face in his hands and gently kisses your lips. “You’re here.” You say weakly. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Even if I was miles away I would still find a way to be here in time.” He says lovingly and that’s when all your worries went away. Then the doctor comes in and looks at you two and says “It’s time.”

   Four hours and twenty five minutes and a lot of screaming later, swaddled in blue cloth lying your arms was a beautiful baby boy Aleksander Gabriel Landeskog. He weighed at 7 pounds 5 ounces and had his father’s gorgeous blue eyes. “We did a pretty good job.” Gabe says with a smile on his face. Looking down at your son and smiling you say “We did, didn’t we.” “We certainly did.” He says pulling you into his arms. “Oh, by the way, we won the game.” He says with that smile still on his face. You just laugh and pull him in for a kiss.       


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