#95 Jonathan Toews Imagine

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“THE LA KINGS HAVE BEATEN THE BLACKHAWKES! THEY’RE GOING FOR THE STANLEY CUP!” The announcer screams into the microphone. The atmosphere around you is happy but you, like the Hawkes are disappointed and sad. You sigh and head down to the locker rooms, ignoring the celebrating Kings fans. You get to the locker room and talk to a few of the girls that were able to come to the game. One by one the Hawkes dispense out the room looking solemn and angry. You sigh and know that you’re going to be here for a while waiting for you boyfriend Jon. About half an hour later Jon comes storming out of the room and down the hallway. You sigh knowing you’re in for a long night and start running after him knowing he wouldn’t want to keep the bus waiting too long. You catch up to him and get on the bus behind him. The entire ride to the hotel was in complete, uncomfortable, silence. After about a five minute drive you make into the hotel and hope onto the elevator. When you reach your floor you say goodbye to the guys and walked to the room with Jon. The minute he closed the door he exploded. “How the fuck did we lose to the Kings?!” He screamed. You were in shock, Jon hardly swore let alone explode. “Baby, there’s always next year…” You say trying to calm him down. “Stop saying that! I wish people would stop fucking saying that! Maybe I wanted it this year? Huh?!” He yelled. Oh man was he ever livid. “Jon you tried your hardest and you know that!” You stated back to him. “Well if we tried our hardest then we would’ve won! You know what?! Just leave me alone, I don’t want to be near you right now.” He stated, anger still burning in his eyes. You were shocked. Jon had never been that harsh to you before. “Fine. You want me gone, I’ll go. But don’t expect me to come back.” You scream slamming the door shut. Your vision became blurry as you made your way to the elevator. And then it hit you. You’re alone and you have no place to go since the game was in LA. And that’s when you started sobbing hard.  

  You ended up going to the pool in the hotel and since you didn’t have a swimsuit you just let your legs dangle in the water. You looked at your reflection in the water and didn’t recognize yourself. You had mascara streaks running down your face, your face was red and puffy. You just looked broken. You had never expected Jon to lash out at you like that and it really hurt you. You sighed and moved your feet in the water and you were so zoned out you didn’t hear someone walking up beside you. You jumped slightly, startled as someone dipped their feet in with yours. You didn’t need to look over to realize it was Jon and you were determined that you were not going to be the first one to give in. “I’m sorry” Jon started, his voice cracking at the end. “I shouldn’t have said any of those words to you. You didn’t deserve to be the outlet of my anger. I’m just so sorry, Y/N.”

  You looked over at him and noticed that his eyes were as bloodshot as yours. You sighed and looked straight ahead but grasped Jon’s hand and held it tightly. “I forgive you Jon.” You state quietly. He looks at you in disbelief and says “Really? Are you sure?” You giggle and shake your head yes. “They do say love conquers all things.” You say. He smiled so big you thought his face was going to break and gently cupped your face. “And I do love you Y/N, so much.” He whispers before kissing you gently. You smile into the kiss, which causes him to smile also. “And I promise to never hurt you again.” He states as he kissed you again. And in the end he kept his promise.           


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