#41 Andrew Cogliano Imagine

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You may or may not have previously been the girlfriend of Matthew Lombardi. Okay… Maybe you were. There was no more denying it. Every person who followed the Anaheim Ducks knew of the power couple, (Y/N) and Matt. But! That was before Matt turned into a complete dick.

Distinctly, you remember him coming home from a road trip and only telling you about the pretty girls there and that you should work out a bit more. You were tired of it and eventually, after 7 months as a couple, you dumped his sorry ass. Normally exes wouldn’t be a problem. However, just 6 months after your split from Matt, you met a teammate of his. His name was Andrew Cogliano.

For weeks your friends had been telling you that they had met the perfect guy for you. You blew them off until they finally tricked you into going to dinner with them and they ditched you with Andrew at a table. You had been extremely flustered through the dinner, but through an act of God Andrew asked you on a second date. A month later Andrew asked you to be his girlfriend. And now, 5 months after that, you were getting to go to your first Anaheim Duck’s Christmas party with him.

Andrew kept his arm around you securely while he guided you through the crowd of people at the party. You kept your head down as you walked. The last thing you, or Andrew, wanted was some kind of conflict with Matt. Andrew had tried to keep it from you, but you were slowly seeing signs that Matt was giving him crap about you when you weren’t around. Andrew guided you to the bar and sat in a stool next to you. He ordered a beer and let you order whatever you wanted. The bartender came back with your guy’s drinks.

“Cheers.” Andrew clinked his glass with yours.

You took a sip and saw someone staring at you from the corner of your eye. Nervously, you glanced over.

“(Y/N), right?” Cam Fowler said to you.

You sighed in relief. “Yeah. That’s right.”

Cam chugged the rest of his beer and set down the glass. “Well I’ll be damned. I didn’t think I’d see you around here again.”

You blushed and looked back to your drink. Cam looked around you and saw Andrew. He focused his gaze back to you and raised and eyebrow.

“Did he bring you?”

You took a gulp of your drink and nodded, “Yes. Andrew and I came together.”

Cam leaned back in his chair and laughed loud. You flinched and looked around to see if he had drawn any attention.

“Cam. Shut. up.” You said through gritted teeth.

Cam smirked and leaned towards you. “What’s in it for me, (Y/nick/N)?”

You pushed him back. “Nothing, you pig.”

Andrew’s head snapped in your direction when he heard your comment. “Fuck off, Fowler.”

Cam laughed once he put things together finally, “Oh Lombardi’s girl is yours now?”

Cam laughed again. Andrew stood up and guided you out of your chair while watching Cam intently.

“Let’s go, (Y/nick/N). He’s drunk.”

Cam stopped laughing, “Why go now, Cogliano? Why not call Matthew over. He’ll get a good laugh. HEY MATT!”

Your eyes widened. Andrew’s arm tightened around your waist as Matt responded to Cam’s call.

“What Cam?” Matt walked over with a wine glass in hand.

You looked down at you heels quickly. Matt glanced at Andrew and then the top of your head before resting his gaze on Cam.

“What?” He asked.

Cam kept a ridiculously pleased smile on his face. Matt sipped his wine and shifted his position. You knew he did that when he was getting annoyed.

“You don’t recognize you’re own girl, Matty?”

Your face burned brighter with every passing second. Matt raised and eyebrow and looked back to you. He reached out and lifted your chin.

An amused grin filled his face, “Hello, Poppy.”

You glared once he used you old nickname. You never did like or understand the name. Andrew pulled you back from him slightly. He gently moved you more behind him.

“Alright, Matt. That’s enough. Good for you, Cam. You got your laugh. Leave her alone.”

Matt chuckled once and looked at Andrew, “Honestly, why is it any of your business anyways, Cogs?”

Andrew kept his expression intense. “Because you treated her like complete shit and she didn’t deserve it. I’m her boyfriend now and I’d never say the things you did.”

Matt looked at you from around Andrew and laughed. “Funny you should bring up the things I said. You’re looking great, (Y/N). In a red dress… and heels for God’s sake! For once you actually look like a woman.”

Andrew growled.

Matty laughed again. “And you’ve lost weight. I can see why you like her now, Andrew. Careful though, she’s perfect for me now. I might take her back.”

Andrew’s hand balled up into a fist. You noticed and touched the back of his arm gently.

“He’s not worth it, Drew.” you whispered.

Andrew took a deep breath. You watched his shoulders relax and his hands release. You pulled back on his arm lightly to get him to turn around.

He followed you for two steps before turning around and stopping. “You know, Matt?” Andrew said, “There’s a lot of things in life that are worth changing. Physical appearance isn’t one of those things. It didn’t matter if (Y/N) had lost weight or dressed nice. I still would have seen what an amazing girl you left behind. I feel sorry that you will never be able to see that. Have a good Christmas, boys.”

Andrew turned back and grabbed your hand.

While he walked you towards the front door he squeezed your hand gently.

“You’re mine, and you never deserved to be verbally abused by him.” Andrew stopped once you two got out the door.

He looked straight into your eyes, “I promise you from this day forward that no man in my presence is ever going to tell you that you are anything less than perfect. Listen. I love you, (Y/N). And I intend to treat you the way you should always be treated.”

He leaned down kissed you just the way you liked to be kissed.


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