#49 Alex Galchenyuk Imagine

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"Mommy, can I go to practice with Daddy?" your three-year old son asks as he waddles into the kitchen.

Ever since you and Alex had Aidan, you’ve always been worried that he would want to play hockey. You’ve seen what happens on the ice, so you naturally worried about your son’s future safety. Going to his father’s practice won’t hurt him, though. Right?

"Sure, but make sure Daddy’s teammates don’t pick on him too much," you say with a smile.

"Yes! Thank you, Mommy! Daddy, she said yes!"

You laugh at his shenanigans and go back to working on your laptop. When Alex walks into the kitchen, you scowl at him jokingly.

"What?" he asks you.

"Did you promise him that he could go to your practice?" you ask.

"Maybe. C’mon, Y/N. He loves hockey!" he exclaims.

"I know, but I’m just worried. I’ve seen the injuries. I’m afraid he’ll want to play hockey," you sigh.

"Do you not like that I play hockey?" he asks you.

You’re taken aback. You never thought he would ask you that question. Yeah, you worried about him every time it was his turn out there, but you never hated that he played. You both love the sport, and that’s actually how you two met, but that’s a story for another time.

Since you don’t answer from being too shocked, he storms out of the room and grabs his coat, along with Aidan’s. They both leave, and you just sit at the counter, not knowing what to do. You want to text Alex and tell him that you’re sorry, but you know that he should cool off.

When you see that practice will be over in a few minutes, you decide to go down there and talk to Alex. You want to fix things since he’s had all practice to be with his teammates, who help him calm down.You grab your jacket and keys and leave your house. Since the Centre is close by, you decide to walk instead.

Once you reach the team door, you see his teammates coming. Brendan spots you first and smiles.

"Hey, Y/N. What are you doing here?" he asks.

"Alex took something the wrong way, so I came over to talk to him. Have you seen him?" you ask.

"Yeah, he’s back on the ice. I’m not supposed to tell you, but he’s teaching Aidan how to skate," he whispers.

"Thank you," you say, and you give him a hug before walking down the hallway.

You stand by the bench and watch as Alex skates while holding Aidan’s hands. When Aidan sees you, he’s about to shout, but you hold a finger up to your lips. He smiles and nods. His attention is turned back to Alex, and you smile at the two. Seeing this sight changes your mind about your son’s future. If he wants to play hockey, you’ll do everything you can to fulfill that wish.

"Do you want to try by yourself?" you hear Alex ask.

When you see Aidan nod, you hold your breath as he lets go. He starts to skate around a little, and you see Alex’s cheeks move as he smiles. Aidan turns around and faces you before shouting, “Look, Mommy! I can skate!”

Alex’s head whips around, and you smile as your eyes meet. He skates over to you and stops, showering you with ice.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"Alex, I love that you play hockey. If you didn’t, we wouldn’t have met. I’m just worried about him. I worry about you every time you’re on the ice, but I definitely don’t hate that you play hockey. I love you, and I love the sport. Combining you and hockey is the perfect man, because you’re my perfect man. My hockey-playing, best-father-in-the-world man," you tell him.

He smiles and picks you up, pulling you over the boards. He places you on the ice and leans down to kiss you. You smile and return the gesture, but you feel something push between yours and Alex’s legs.

"Mommy, Daddy! Don’t be gross!"


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