#87 Gabriel Landeskog Imagine

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"Gabe, you home?" you call out as you walk through the front door.

"In here!"

You follow the sound of his voice and find him painting one of the rooms upstairs.

You and Gabe have been together since high school, and when he moved to Canada when he was sixteen, you were heartbroken, but you two managed to stay together. Then, Gabe was drafted. You decided to transfer to a college in Colorado. He was beyond happy.

Now, you two are engaged, and you bought your first house together. Of course, it needs some changes, but it’s not something you two can’t handle.

"It’s looking great so far," you comment.

He turns around and smiles at you. “Really?”

"Absolutely! I’m really glad we picked this color," you tell him.

"Speaking of colors, I found a can of paint that I don’t remember buying, so I brought it back earlier."

You freeze. “What color was it?”

"It was called Robin’s Egg. Why?"

Instead of answering, you rush down the stairs. You hear him call out your name, but you’re already out the door.

When you arrive at the store, you rush inside and find Samantha, the girl who helped you the other day.

"My fiancé brought the paint back," you tell her.

"I was hoping you would come back. I had ten more minutes until it was tossed and taken out of my paycheck," she says with a smile as she places it on the counter.

"I am so sorry about that. I should’ve hid it, but then I got sick and just wanted to go to bed," you explain.

"No worries. I lied and told him that we couldn’t give him the MONEY due to our return policy. You’re lucky he understood, or else your cover would’ve been blown."

"Thank you so much," you say, and you leave.

You pull into the driveway and cut the engine. You rush inside and take the stairs two at a time.

"Y/N, wait!" Gabe puts the roller down and jogs over to you. "I’m sorry I brought the paint back. I didn’t know."

"Oh, it’s fine. I got it back without an issue," you say.

"Good. By the way, what room are you painting?" he asks.

"The nursery," you tell him.

He nods, and you go to the room that you picked out. You take the top of the can off and prepare everything before painting. All of a sudden, you hear a loud clatter come from down the hallway.

"Vi ska bli föräldrar! (We’re going to be parents!)" you hear Gabe shout as he runs down the hallway.

You turn around as he enters the room, and he runs up to you before picking you up and SPINNINGyou around. You laugh and hold on tight, trying to not let the paint drip on the ground.

"Honung (Honey), put me down," you laugh.

He places you on your feet and gives you a breath-taking kiss. When HE PULLS AWAY, he rests his head against yours.

"It took you long enough to realize it," you joke.

"How long have you known?" he questions.

"A couple of weeks. It took a while for me to get an appointment without you knowing. I didn’t want it to be a false positive, but I went the other day, and the doctor confirmed it," you explain.

He kisses you again. “I love you.”

"I love you, too."


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