#81 Carrey Price Imagine

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“Good lord. Look at that body…” Your neighbor Rachael whispered to you.

Every year Rachael’s family would host a bbq to celebrate Canada day. Like normal, you and Rachael were laying out on the lawn chairs while her husband, Bryan, cooked the burgers. It was a relaxing day like always. The only difference to this years party and the last one was the new neighbor, Carey Price. He had just moved in 3 weeks before. Rachael had called you over as soon as she had met him so she could gush over how attractive he was. You personally didn’t understand all the hype.

“Yeah… abs and nice biceps. Yawn.” You sipped your drink and brushed off Rachael.

“Come on, (Y/N). Enjoy the shirtless, swimming hockey player. Look, he’s even good with kids!”

You sighed and looked up at him. Undeniably he was cute, but you assumed he would be a jerk so you steered clear.

“If you like him so much then why don’t YOU just go for him, Rach?” You said snarkily.

She looked over at you with a disapproving look.

“Stop being a jerk. I’m married with a 4 year old. You know I’m only bringing him up for you.”

You sighed and set down your drink irritated.

“I just am choosing to not deal with guys. Especially that one. Please just drop it.”

You felt bad for snapping at your best friend, but you heard it all the time.

'When will YOU be getting married, (Y/N)?”

“Well you might want to try online dating.”

“Times a tickin’.”

You were so lost in thought you hadn’t realized Rachael had been talking.

“You’re 25 almost 26, (Y/Nick/N). You gotta start- Oh my god.”

Your head snapped up at Rachael’s sudden change of voice.

“What?” You asked.

“He’s coming over here.”

Your eyes widened a bit and you looked up to see Carey, with a towel over his shoulder, waltzing over like he owned the place. You almost gagged.

“Hello, Rachael. Thank you for inviting me. Your son, Abel? He is adorable.” Carey flashed a straight white smile.

You were surprised to see him actually having teeth. You glanced over at Rachael and saw her blush.

“Oh thank you. He seems to like you a lot. Oh! I’m sorry. We’re being rude. This is my best friend, (Y/N). She lives right off of Cactus.”

You wanted to punch Rachael. Carey smiled and shook your hand.

“Very nice to meet you, (Y/N). Is your family here too?” He asked.

You sighed.

“Nope. Here by myself. To be honest? I’m here for the alcohol.”

Rachael nearly spit out her drink. Instead of it completely appalling him, he smiled wider.

“Damn it.” you thought.

“Well. I like your priorities. Would you like me to get you anything? Margarita? Beer?”

You looked down at your nearly empty margarita and sighed.

“I’ll take a beer.”

Carey raised an eyebrow and nodded.

“You sure are an interesting one.”

He laughed and took your cup from you. As he walked away Rachael looked over at you with a crazy look.

“What the hell was that?!”

You shrugged.

“Just telling the truth.”

Rachael groaned and leaned back.

“You’re impossible.”

You smirked and looked back at Carey. He was KIND of cute…

“Pull yourself together, (Y/N)! Big beefy hockey player. He’s NOT “the one” You reprimanded yourself.

Carey came back carrying his beer and yours. He handed you yours once he got back.

“So. How’s that hockey stuff going?” Rachael asked Carey.

He laughed and shrugged.

“Not much. It’s the off season. It’s our time to take a break. We just all kind of come work out.”

Rachael nodded and took a sip of her own drink.

“(Y/N) plays.”

You mentally groaned. That was one of the last things you wanted her to say to him.

“Really now? What position?” Carey asked.

You sighed, “Right wing.”

He smiled, “I’m a goalie.”

You nodded. You pretty much knew all about him from the Olympics. Your whole life you loved hockey and got really into the players on team Canada. You weren’t going to lie, Price was an amazing goalie. He had earned the gold metal.

“Yep. I saw you in the Olympics.”

Now he smiled, “Do you watch hockey normally?”

“Yes,” You nodded, “Not a Montreal fan though.”

Carey groaned, “Just don’t say-”

“Boston fan.” You interrupted.

His face look like it was actually in pain, so you decided to tell him the truth.

“I’m only kidding. Born and raised Blackhawks fan.”

He smiled, “Much better. I can actually convert you now.”

You laughed somewhat in shock at his comment. You looked over to Rachael only to see that she had gotten up during your conversation with Carey.

“Hey everyone! Almost time for fireworks. Time to walk down to the lake.” Rachael shouted.

She stood over by the sliding glass door to her house, and waved her arms around to get everyone’s attention. You looked back up at Carey and smiled. He smiled back at you.

“Come on, (Y/N). Time to celebrate this beautiful country we live in.”

He reached out a hand to you and helped you up. Quietly the whole party walked down to the lake down the street where the fireworks would be shot off. Rachael threw you a blanket to lay out for you and Carey to sit on. As the fireworks started Carey leaned over to you.

“I’d like to see you after this, (Y/N). You seem like a sweet girl.”

You blushed, “I’d like to see you again too, Carey.”

The grand finally began and everyone began cheering. Over some speakers the national anthem began to play. Everyone around began to sing.

“Happy Canada Day, (Y/N).” 


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