#74 Johnathan Toews Imagine

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“I think this dinner’s great. Don’t you Jonny? Don’t you think this is great? Look at those stars! And that fake little lake fountain!”

Patrick Kane wrapped an arm around your date, Jonathan Toews, neck to get his attention.

Jon uncomfortably shrugged Patrick’s arm off his shoulder. You gave Jonathan an apologetic look. This was your third date with him, and your brother Patrick had yet to let you date alone. At first you and Jonathan went miniature golfing which (conveniently) Patrick had planned to do with his girlfriend that night too. The second time you went bowling and Patrick rented the isle next to yours with half of the hockey team. Now, he had shown up halfway through your dinner date and would NOT stop talking.

You sighed, “Patty, please just stop…”

You knew he was not going to.

“What’s wrong, (Y/N)? I’m just enjoying a dinner with the people I love the most!”

You sighed again and looked down at your pasta, not feeling hungry anymore. This was how it always had been. Patrick would scare the hell out of any boy you had ever brought home. You were only two years younger than him, but for some reason he treated you like you were still a baby.

“Patrick. Walk me to the bathroom, please.” You stood up and set your napkin on the table.

Patrick looked up at you with an amused smile.

“Now…” You said.

Patrick sighed and scooted his chair back loud and dramatically. You walked towards door to get into the restaurant. Patrick practically ran to keep up with you. Once you had walked far away from Jon and any other customers eating, you turned around to face your brother.

“Patrick. Timothy. Kane.”

Your brother still had a smug smile on his face, “(Y/First/N). (Y/Middle/N). Kane.”

You glared. Patrick’s smile faded lightly.

“Why are you doing this to me?” You asked desperately.

Patrick crossed his arms and frowned, “Because you can’t date my teammates. Do you know I didn’t know you guys talked until mom told me you were going out?”

You sighed exasperatedly, “Patrick! I’m 23 years old! I can’t date who I want!”

Patrick shook his head while you talked. “No, no you can’t! You never would have even known him if it wasn’t for me! I can understand dating someone you know from work or school, but Jonathan is MY friend.”

You felt yourself getting more angry as the conversation progressed. Your face began getting more red and you felt yourself getting closer to tears.

“Please, I’m begging you. I really like him, Pat. Just give us a chance.”

Patrick looked out the window and watched Jonathan blushing and try to wave away the flirty waitress.

Patrick demeanor seemed to change. He chuckled, “I think he likes you too, bobo.”

You smiled lightly at the use of your nickname.

“I know, Patty. You don’t have to worry about him. I promise if he is a big jerk, cheats, or dumps me, you have my permission to beat him up.”

Patrick smiled and pulled you into a hug. “You’ll always be my little sissy. You gotta remember that.”

You smiled wider and squeezed him tighter. “Yes, I know I will.”

You both pulled apart and looked fondly out at Jonathan again.

“The big baby looks lost. We should go back so he doesn’t worry.” You said.

Patrick nodded and followed you back out to the table.

When you both got back to the table Patrick apologized to Jon, and promised not to be so obnoxious anymore. The rest of dinner was spent chatting about your childhood and the crazy things that happened on road trips, and when it was over Jonathan picked up the tab. (After arguing with your brother over it of course.)

“Well this was nice.” Jonathan said while walking you back to the parking lot.

You smiled and laced your fingers with his.

He smiled and gently swung your intertwined hands. You sighed, “Yes, very good. Probably would have been better without Patrick tagging along.”

Jonathan laughed and shrugged, “I’ll agree it would have been nice to get some time alone with you. But I’m just happy to have got any time. By the way, what in the world did you say/do to Patrick to get him that… nice?”

You laughed. “I just gave him the evil eye and told him to stop.”

You two reached his car and stopped. You leaned against the trunk.

“Evil eye? Psh, I don’t believe that. It couldn’t be that bad.”

You smiled then gave him an impression of the expression you had given Patrick earlier. Jonathan laughed and grabbed your other hand.

“Okay, okay. Yes, I see why he was scared. However, You don’t scare me.”

He took a step closer to you and leaned his head down to you. Your heart pounded as you closed your eyes and felt his lips press lightly on yours.


You and Jonathan jumped apart once you heard Patrick’s voice.

“Son of a bitch, Kaner.” You heard Jon whisper.

You peeked around Jonathan and saw Patrick in his car with the window down.

“Go away, Patrick!” You shouted playfully.

“I said I would back off, but you can’t be canoodling my sister!” Patrick laughed.

You smiled and shook your head before leaning your forehead on Jonathan’s chest.

“Okay, Kaner. I’ll make sure she gets home safe.” Jonathan said.

Patrick narrowed his eyes, “You better, Cap. I know where you live.”

Patrick pointed his two fingers at his eyes and pointed back at Jonathan. He rolled up his window and drove out of the parking lot quickly. Once he left, you pulled Jonathan closer to you by his shirt.

“So how about you take me home, Toews?”

He smiled and pressed another quick kiss on your lips.

“Gladly, Kane.”


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