#48 Tyler Seguin Imagine

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The light was bright, too bright to be exact.  You woke up in an empty bed and everything hurt and was aching.  Looking over at the alarm clock you saw it was almost 11.  You never slept that late no matter how late you were up the night before.  And the night before you were out late.  Jamie, Jordie, Tyler and a couple other guys on the team went out.  Originally you were staying to do some work but after listening to Tyler whine about wanting you to go out, you gave in.

You didn’t remember drinking that much, Jamie dared you and Tyler to see who could finish six shots first.  Which, you proudly beat Tyler at fair and square no matter how many times he said he went easy so you’d win.  You drank a couple beers and few other drinks but nothing that would’ve gotten you this drunk off of.  You tried getting out of bed but, it felt like your head weighed 1,000 pounds.  You couldn’t remember if Tyler had anything going on this morning so you decided to call out his name.

“Tyler!” You shouted but it only made your throat hurt worse.  He didn’t respond but a few minutes later you heard the bedroom door open.

“Yeah babe?” Tyler asked leaning in the doorway.  He was shirtless and wearing athletic shorts.  You assumed he must’ve been working out this morning but then again this is something Tyler would wear any day. He claims he gets too hot with a shirt on but you’re positive it’s because he likes showing off his amazing body.

“I think I’m sick.  I told you we shouldn’t have stayed out with Jamie so late last night.” You said in an I-told-you-so sounding voice.

“You’re probably just hungover.  I’ll get you some Tylenol and water and you’ll be good as new in a little bit.” Tyler said and walked away.  You knew you weren’t hungover but you didn’t feel like putting up an argument.  Tyler returned minutes later.

“Here babe.” Tyler said handing you the medicine and water.

“Thanks.  Will you lay down with me?” You asked after taking the Tylenol.

“Y/N you know I’m supposed to go out with Jamie today.”

“So?  You’re literally with Jamie everyday!  Call and cancel, tell him I’m sick.  Please?” You were pouting as you spoke.  You knew Tyler could never say no to a pouting Y/N.

Tyler looked down at you as you cuddled deeper into the bed.
Sighing Tyler said, “I guess I could tell him to take Jordie.”

“Thank you.” You said as Tyler got into bed.  He turned on the TV and put on NHL Network.  For some reason they were showing Dallas winning the Cup in 1999.  “Change it, now!” You demanded, not wanting to see your beloved Sabres lose the way they did.

“Sorry babe, not happening.” Tyler said with a smile.

“Fine then once this is over let me put on Chicago winning the Cup last season!” You said back to Tyler.  You knew the game was still on the DVR, sometimes you’d catch Tyler watching it to see what he could’ve done differently to change the outcome.  Whenever you brought up watching the game, however, Tyler usually gave into whatever you wanted.  You’ve determined he doesn’t like watching the game around you.

“What do you want on then?”

“Let’s watch a movie on Netflix.” You suggested.  Tyler changed the TV over to Netflix and let you choose the movie.  You went with The Breakfast Club, one of your favorites and cuddled up next to Tyler.

Tyler pressed a kiss to the crown of your head before saying, “You better not get me sick.”

“It’s just a hangover, remember?” You said turning around and kissing Tyler’s lips.  You spent the rest of the day cuddled in bed, watching movies on Netflix.  Anything you wanted or needed Tyler would get for you.  

The next morning you woke up the same way you fell asleep, with your head on Tyler’s chest and his arms around your waist.  You rolled yourself around so you were laying face down on Tyler’s chest.  A few minutes later Tyler woke up.

“Mmm baby I think you’re burning up.” Tyler said stretching out as best he could.

“I knew it wasn’t a hangover.” You mumbled.  Tyler gently rolled you off of him and got out of bed.  “Where are you going?”

“Just stay there.  I’ll come get you.” Tyler said as he walked into your bathroom.  You heard water running and came to the conclusion that Tyler drew you a bath.  A few minutes later Tyler came back and picked you up out of bed.  He carried you into the bathroom and set you down on your feet in front of the tub.

Tyler had made you the most perfect bubble bath!

“Awww Ty!  This is amazing!  Thank you so much!” You told him after you kissed his lips.

“Yeah well I just thought that, umm, well, I know you always take baths to relax and I, uh, that this would help.” Tyler said getting flustered and looking at his feet.

“I love you, it’s perfect!” You said as you started undressing.

“Nope, stop you’re not doing anything today.” Tyler said and started undressing you.  Once you were undressed you stepped into the tub.  The water was hot and relaxing.

“Aren’t you coming in?” You asked Tyler.

“Am I allowed?” Tyler asked.

“Yes you’re allowed!  You did all this for me, it’s perfect!”

Tyler got in soon after and pulled you onto his lap.  You rested your head on his shoulder and he kissed your head.

“I love you so much Y/N.” Tyler whispered into your ear as you two spent the rest of the morning relaxing in the bubble bath.


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