#25 Ryan Nugent-Hopkins

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You first met Ryan Nugent-Hopkins when he moved to your hometown of Red Deer, Alberta, to play with the WHL team the Red Deer Rebels. You had grown up a hockey fan and tried to watch as many of your local team’s games as possible, and this season was no exception. You and your best friend were at the first game of the 2009-2010 season and were shocked to see that the skinny new kid who sat next to you in math class was actually really good at hockey, like, really good. Math class suddenly became a whole lot more interesting….

Now that it was obvious he had a NHL career, the school sluts were crawling all over him and you thought you had no chance. However, one day after a difficult math exam he slipped a note to you: ‘I totally failed that, you?’ You blushed and glanced over at him. ‘Maybe you should have studied…’ you handed the note back to him when the teacher wasn’t looking. ‘Only if you’ll be my study partner. Text me sometime: xxx-xxxx’ You couldn’t believe he’d given you his number and absolutely could not pay attention the rest of class. You and Ryan became study buddies and developed a close friendship, but for you at least, you knew it was based on the fact that you had a major crush on him. It broke your heart every time he asked you about some girl, or had to cancel a study session to go to the movies with a girl. In April, when all of your friends were getting dates to the Junior prom, you were sitting alone in the library waiting for Ryan. He was fifteen minute late, and you were about to give up and leave when you heard something happening outside the library. You stand up to look out the window and gasped when you saw what was happening outside. There were approximately 25 people outside with balloons holding a big sign that said ‘will you go to prom with me?’ At first you were sad, that someone was getting asked to prom in a cute/romantic way, until you heard someone behind you. You turned around to see Ryan standing there in a suit with a dozen yellow roses (your favorite). “Y/N, will you go to prom with me?” He asked and you ran forward to give him a hug. “Yes!” You say quietly as you tried not to cry.

Fast forward four years to present day April, 2014. You have just learned that the Oilers did not make it to the playoffs again, and you knew your boyfriend would be devastated. “Ryan, why don’t we do something fun this weekend; we could go away or something?” You suggest, trying to cheer him up. He shrugs and sighs, “Yeah, whatever you want.” Because he had no input, you decided to surprised him and go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. “Hey Ryan,” you said a few days later, “We’re going to Disney World!” He started to laugh, but realized you were serious. “Actually,” he looked a little embarrassed, “I’ve always wanted to go there.” You give him a quick kiss before dragging him upstairs to pack. The next morning you are sitting on your suitcase by the door waiting for him. After five minutes you decide to investigate and find he’s locked himself in his office talking on the phone. “Ryan!” You bang on the door. “We’re going to miss our flight lets’ go!” A few minutes later he emerges and apologizes and you rush to the airport. He kept texting, and not really paying attention to you, and you start to feel like maybe this was a dumb idea. After all, you guys are twenty-one, that’s a little old for Disney World. Sadly you sit back in your seat on the airplane and try to get lost in your book, but you can’t get that thought out of you mind.

The first day you two went to Epcot and the Animal Kingdom, which was your favorite. You love animals and getting to see them all with Ryan was so much fun! Or at least it would have been if he didn’t keep disappearing with ‘important phone calls’ and wasn’t constantly texting. You knew he was still getting over not being able to play in the playoffs, so you didn’t ask him about it, but it was starting to get on your nerves. You start to worry that he might be cheating on you. The next day you went to the beach and then to the Magic Kingdom and he was even more distracted than the day before. However, you stayed until the park was almost closing despite his apparent disinterest. “Ryan, they’re closing soon we should leave.” You say, now fully annoyed and disappointed with his behavior, convinced that he must be cheating on your or something. “Can we just see one last thing?” He asks and puts his phone away for what seems like the first time. “I want to see the castle.” He starts to lead you back toward the famous Disney castle. “Ryan, we’ve already seen this,” you groan and but reluctantly let him pull you toward it. “No, we’re going inside of it, like up in the towers,” he said with a big grin on his face, like a little kid. “Are we even allowed to do that?” You ask, but he continues leading you into the castle and up several flights of stairs. “We’re just in time for the sunset,” he says as he opens the door to a balcony and you start to walk out, admiring the sunset. Once you get to the railing you look down and notice a bunch of people gathered that weren’t there before. Suddenly they all turn over huge signs that spell out “Will you marry me?” You sigh and think ‘That’s so romantic, someone is getting proposed to in front of the castle!’ You turn around to tell Ryan, but he was down on one knee holding a diamond ring in one hand and a dozen yellow roses in the other. “Y/N, will you marry me?” He asks with the biggest smile and you stare at him, shocked, for a few seconds. “Ryan, you mean all of this is for me?” You stammer and suddenly realize his constant texting and phone calls the past few days must have been for this. He nods and smiles up at you, and you start crying. “Yes I will marry you!” You hold out your hand for him to put the ring on, and he stands up and hugs you. “I love you so much Y/N and I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you,” he kisses you deeply and you hear the crowd below cheering. “I love you too Ryan,” you smile and kiss him back as fireworks explode over the castle and music begins playing somewhere. 


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