#19 PK Subban Imagine

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You laid in bed with a head cold and a nasty cough. For going on two weeks you had been dealing with your sickness and still working. Finally your husband, Pk Subban, refused to let you leave the house.

“Babe, I have to work. I have a million “Dear Abby” letters on my desk. I have to type and reply to all of them in four days.”

Subban held a finger to your lips. “No. You may have lots of papers, but they can wait. You are more important.” You sighed. He shook his head before you could give any more excuses. “Bed. Let’s go get you in pajamas. I will go make you some tea” you smiled lightly and shook your head.

Pk turned you around and guided you back to your shared bedroom. He left you to change, and when he came back you were already under the covers, propped up with a book in hand. He smiled fondly and set the mug of tea on a coaster on the nightstand.

You looked up at him from the top of your glasses. “Chamomile?” You asked.

He sat down on the bed beside you. “No, peppermint. I knew you wouldn’t drink it if it would make you sleepy.”

You closed your book and smiled. You hated to admit defeat, but whenever Pk babied you, you enjoyed it.

Pk threw his legs up onto the bed and settled back into the pillows. You leaned your head onto his shoulder and closed your eyes. You felt PK chuckle before draping an arm around your shoulders. You relaxed into him and listened to his heart beat.

“I appreciate how hard you work, (Y/N), I really do. But this is wearing you down.” You knew he was right, so you nodded.

“I know… It’s just hard. I want to work hard. I’m doing what I love it’s just…”

Subban rubbed circles on your back. “Honestly, babe. Just take break days like this.” You nodded again. You were pretty sure it wasn’t going to happen, but decided not to argue it.

PK spoke up again, “Why don’t we go on a vacation? The season’s almost over.”

You thought about it for a while, “That sounds great.”

Pk smiled and kissed your head. “We’ll talk later. Rest for now.” You smiled as he got off the bed and walked down the hall.

(Give me a vacation place and I’ll put a part two on the list. because this is short)-Ashley

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