#37 James Neal Imagine

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 It was the middle of the summer and James had a few days off before he started training again. So he took this advantage to spend his days off with you and your two sons, Jace and David. You were inside cleaning the house since you haven’t had a lot of time to do it since James had been home so much. You hear squealing and you look out the kitchen window and the sight melts your heart. James is playing soccer with Jace and David. It’s such a nice sight to see because during the season he’s never home and it does take a toll on the kids. You stop what you’re cleaning and head outside to the patio to watch. Luckily they haven’t noticed you yet because you didn’t want to ruin the moment. James was currently the goalie as Jace and David continuously scored on him. “Daddy you’re not very good at soccer.” David, the youngest one, squealed as he scored again. “Ya daddy you should stick to hockey.” Jace says taunting his father. James pretends to be hurt at their comments and says “Oh really?” and then throws them over his shoulders. They both start squealing and demand to be let down. He does what they ask and puts down on the ground and then starts tickling them. Their laughs are contagious and you can’t help but start laughing too. They hear you laughing and then three heads turn your way.

   You smile and wave at them and James waves back with a huge smile on his face. The  moment he’s not paying attention, the kids push him on to the ground. James looks at the kids shocked and they look back at him smiling and then start tickling him. You start walking towards them and when you reach them you pick them up. They look at you with pouting lips and start whining. “Come on boys there’s a snack for you in the kitchen.” You say putting them down. They cheer and head towards the house. You look down at James and you see him looking up at you with a smile on his face. You put your hands towards him to help him up and he takes them. But instead of you helping him up, he pulls you down and you land on his chest. You look at him and notice he still has the same goofy smile on his face. You can’t help but smile back and then you lean down and gently kiss him. He immediately kisses you back. You pull away and lean your forehead against his. “What was that for?” “Just as a thank you.” “Thank you? What for?” he says confused. “For playing with the kids. You have no idea how much that means to them.” You say honestly. “Babe, I love spending time with them and that’s why I’m spending all of my time with you guys is because I know I don’t spend enough of it with you guys during the season.” He says a little ashamed. “James the kids love you no matter what and the same goes for me. We cherish these moments more than you think.” You were about to kiss again, when all of sudden you hear giggling and then feel weight on your back. You turn your head to see two giggling boys. They look down at you and say “Can we play soccer again? Please?” You and James both agree and the two boys run off to get the soccer ball. “I couldn’t ask for a better family Y/N, I love you and the boys so much.” “And we love you too James.”   

- Alice

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