#17 Ryan White Imagine

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“(Y/N)! It’s snowed! Get up! Get up!”

You groaned as your best friend, Ryan White, bounced on your bed to get you up. A few years ago you and he decided to get a little house together while you both finished college. Things changed once Ryan got drafted into the NHL. Now you stayed at the house and he was only there occasionally when he was playing a home game for the Montreal Canadiens. Now you were spending part of the Olympic break at the house with him.

You sat up groggily, “Ry, chill out. Give me a minute to get up.”

He got off the bed and pulled on one of your arms. “No! Now! I knew you would be like this, so I got your coffee made downstairs. Two sugars with a little milk. No creamer.”

You squinted up at him because the light hurt your eyes. You were surprised how well you both knew each other. Finally, you made up your mind and sighed.

“Let me get my shoes on.”

Ryan pulled you up off the bed and ran downstairs to give you time to change. You quickly changed into a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, and your black uggs. You brushed your teeth before heading downstairs to meet up with him.

Outside, Ryan stood on the porch with his arms out and his face turned towards the sky. You laughed and grabbed your cup of coffee off the counter. You leaned against the side of the sliding glass door and watched him.

“Never seen snow before, White?” Hearing you startled him.

He opened his eyes and dropped his arms, “No…”

His expression confused you, “What’s wrong?” you asked.

He continued looking at you carefully and took a step forward, “Nothing… you just look really… pretty.”

You blushed a little and laughed it off. “Oh yes, I’m sure my bed head is just glorious.”

He shook his head, “Really… I don’t know what it is…” As he looked at you closer you felt yourself getting more self conscious and embarrassed.

You’ll admit, there had always been a part of you that held a slight crush for Ryan. Little things like him remembering how you drink your coffee made you feel giddy inside. Desperately, you hoped to hide it, but now in the winter snow you were afraid your facade was fading. Tightly you held your coffee mug in your hands. Your heart was hammering in your chest as you watched Ryan’s expression mirror the feelings you held of him inside.

“(Y/N), do you ever…” Ryan trailed off.

You feared your voice would sound as nervous as you were, but it came out strong and clear. “Do I ever what?”

Ryan shook his head and backed away. “I don’t know. Come on! We have to have a snowball fight or something!”

You sighed and set down your cup. “Coming.” You tried to sound excited, but really you felt disappointed.

You came down off of the porch steps, and looked around for Ryan. He was nowhere to be seen. Cautiously, you walked around to find him. Then, out of nowhere, a giant snowball pelted you in the chest. You quickly dropped to your knees to gather snow on your own.

“Oh it is on now, White!” You yelled. You waited for his call back so you know where he was hiding.

“You bet it it, (Y/L/N)!”

You jumped up and threw the ball of snow to your left where you had heard his voice. He laughed hard. You assumed it was because you had made a direct hit. You looked down to scoop up more snow when you were knocked over by a large armful of snow. You shivered as some found it’s way into your sweatshirt.

“You ass.” You laughed and said through chattering teeth.

He laughed and plopped himself down in the snow next to you. He spread himself out and made a snow angel. You laughed and piled snow on his chest. He opened his eyes and smiled at you warmly.

He noticed your teeth still shattering and he frowned, “Cold?”

You nodded and laughed awkwardly. He reached over and pulled you by your hips on top of him. He wrapped his arms around you in a hug. You blushed madly and were thankful that he couldn’t see your face.

“Better?” He asked.

You laughed, “Besides the snow that’s now melting between us, I’m good.”

You felt Ryan shrug, “What can I say? We’re just too hot.” You laughed and looked down at him. He smiled up at you.

“What are you thinking right now, Ry?” You asked quietly. You felt yourself pushed up as he took a breath.

He locked eyes with you as he spoke, “I’m thinking… That I don’t just want to be friends anymore.”

You nodded. He reached up and brushed the hair that was falling in your face behind your ear. “I’m in love with you, (Y/N). I just can’t hide it anymore.”

You couldn’t think of a good response. Slowly you brought your lips down onto his. You pulled away after a second or two. “I love you too, Ry. I always have.”


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