#64 Brendan Gallagher (Part 2) Imagine

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“Hey, this is (Y/N). Is this Brendan?” You sent the message and waited for his reply on the way home.

“It’s probably fake.” You decided and sighed.

Jenna laughed next to you, “Why would he do that?”

You shrugged your shoulders and leaned your head against the head rest. A few minutes later you felt your phone buzz in your lap. You jumped and your hands flew to your phone in your lap. You unlocked your screen only to see a text from your mom. You sighed.

“Did he reply?” Jenna asked excitedly.

You shook your head. “No. My mom just wanted to know where I left the remote.”

Jenna pulled into your driveway and sighed. “I’m sorry, babe.”

You shrugged it off and got out of the car. You both grabbed your things and walked into your house.

Jenna hopped over to the bookshelf by your tv. She searched through your dvd titles while you plopped down sadly on your couch.

Jenna looked around with a big smile, “How about Pretty Woman?”

You smiled and scooted over for her to sit on the couch. She popped your favorite movie into the dvd player and pressed play. She sat down next to you and laid on you. You laughed and tried to get comfortable with her leaning on you. You kept your phone face up on your leg; hoping for it to light up with Brendan’s name.

After an hour of the movie you fell asleep. Jenna, however, was still awake when your phone began buzzing. She jumped and reached for the phone that now had fallen on the other side of you. She read the screen and freaked out. She started shaking you awake.

“(Y/N)! HE REPLIED!” You woke up groggily, but quickly remembered what had happened just a few hours before.

You unlocked your phone and read.

“Brendan: Hey! I’m sorry I didn’t respond. We’ve been on the plane to LA. We just landed.”

You smiled wide and looked at Jenna who was looking just as excited as you felt.

“(Y/N): Oh! It’s cool. I’ve been watching movies with my friend anyways.”

You and Jenna waited anxiously.

“Brendan: It’s like… 1 am?”

You laughed, “(Y/N): Yes, Brendan. Good observation.”

Jenna pursed her lips. “Well don’t be sassy.”

You shrugged and leaned your head on the edge of the couch next to you. Brendan responded 20 minutes later.

“Brendan: Thank you! I try. Well, we didn’t get to talk much after the game. I want to apologize for those idiots outside the arena. I am proud that you’re wearing my jersey.”

You smiled and nudged Jenna who you realized had fallen back asleep. “(Y/N): Thank you. It’s okay. I know it wasn’t your fault. Some people are just rude.”

You sent the message and got more comfortable on the couch.

“Brendan: Yeah, I know. I still want to make it up you. I think it would be fun for me to take a pretty girl, like yourself, on a date. What do you think?”

You dropped your phone in shock. Your sudden movement woke up Jenna who had been halfway laying on you.

“What?” She groaned. You turned to her and began freaking out.

“HE ASKED ME ON A DATE!” You screamed.

Jenna sat up, now wide awake. “OH MY GOSH!”

You nodded violently.

“What do I do?!” You said with your heart pounding.

“What?! Say yes, you idiot!”

You scrambled for your phone and replied, “(Y/N): Yeah, that sounds fun! When do you think you’ll be back in Phoenix?”

Jenna leaned over and stared at your phone’s screen, waiting anxiously for his reply.

“Brendan: Not any time soon, unfortunately. But! I do have a few days off next month. How you like flying out to Montreal?”

Yours heart nearly stopped.

Jenna bounced up and down. “Then you could stay with me! We could go to a game!”

You smiled big. “(Y/N): I would love to! My best friend lives near there so I could stay with her. Maybe even catch a game :)”

“Brendan: Well That sounds perfect! I can arrange buying you tickets for the plane and the game. :)”

Your jaw dropped, “(Y/N): What?! Oh no! That’s way too much! I can totally play for my own game. That’s sweet of you though.”

“Brendan: Nonsense, I got this. :)”

You couldn’t stop smiling. You showed the phone to Jenna who had a similar smile.

“He is such a sweety, (Y/nick/N). I’m so happy for you.”

You smiled and looked at your phone again.

“(Y/N): Well that is very sweet of you. We will have to talk more about this tomorrow. I know I’m tired and I’m sure you are too! Goodnight, Gally.”

“Brendan: Goodnight, (Y/N). Sweet dreams.”

Three weeks later

You heart pounded and your legs shook as you walked off the plane. You walked shakily through the terminal while scanning the crowds for Jenna. Finally you saw her standing near the escalators.

“Jen!” You called out to her. Her head snapped up from her phone and she smiled big.

“Well hello there, stranger!” She joked as she hugged you.

“You ready for tonight?” She asked with a knowing grin on her face.

Your stomach dropped. Jenna knew just how nervous you were. The plan was for you to go to dinner that night, and go to the morning game the next day.

You nodded, “And nervous…”

Jenna frowned, “(Y/N), You’ve been texting him for weeks and he still wants you to come. He likes you!”

You laughed awkwardly and looked behind her at the baggage claim. You started guiding her that way while she babbled about her plans for you the next day. You smiled and nodded like you had been listening to the whole thing.

“And you have to meet Ryan. He’s a cutie and-”

You went back into your thoughts and grabbed your things. You both walked towards the exit. “God, I hope Brendan still wants to do this.”

You continued walking and thinking while watching the ground. Suddenly, you felt yourself smack into something and fall on the ground. You looked up right as you were greeted with a familiar voice and hand.

“Fancy meeting you here, doll face.” Brendan smiled.


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