#38 Brendan Smith Imagine

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"Not now."

You batted your boyfriend, Brendan Smith’s hand away as he reached for the text book you were holding.

"You’ve been studying for hours."

You looked up at him from over the top of the book and glared.

"Yes, I have. Might I remind you that some people actually have to go to school to get good jobs. Some people have to pass finals to get good jobs!"

You looked back down at your book. Brendan looked down and frowned.

"I know that…" He said quietly.

You set the book down for a second and looked up at him.

Sighing, you apologized, “I’m sorry, baby. You know I didn’t mean that.”

Brendan nodded. He leaned down and kissed you.

"I know."

You nodded, “I just have to get this done. Then I can relax.”

Brendan sighed and left you to your studying.

Brendan got up and walked out of your guy’s bedroom and to the living room. He plopped down onto the couch feeling very rejected. He pulled out his phone after a few minutes of thinking and text your mom. “Brendan: Hey Mrs. (Y/L/N), I know (Y/N) has been very stressed lately and I want to do something for her…”

Two weeks had gone by and finally you had gotten your finals over with. You had passed everyone of your tests and had scored higher than most of the students in your classes. With a smile on your face, you drove back to Brendan and your apartment which he had texted you he was waiting for you at.

You opened the door and were surprised to find the whole apartment pitch black.

“Babe?”You called out into the dark while blindly searching for the light switch.

Quickly, the living room lights flicked on and a group of people appeared in front of you.

“Surprise!” They yelled.

You laughed when you calmed down enough to recognize the group as Brendan, your parents, your friends, and your coworkers.

“What is this?” You asked everyone.

Your mom smiled and answered, “Brendan called me a few weeks back, because he was worried you were working yourself too hard. He wanted to do something for you once you finished testing and you knew you will be graduating.”

You looked to Brendan with a surprised expression, “But… I was so mean to you during my studies!”

Brendan laughed and then took a step forward. He enveloped you into a hug.

“It’s okay, babe. I understand.”

Your friend quickly interrupted your moment by trying to put a party hat on your head.

“Come on, (Y/nick/N)! Let’s celebrate!”

You laughed and let yourself be pulled away from Brendan.

A few hours later the party had ended and your mom had just left after insisting on cleaning up the party’s mess. You come into the living room after throwing away the last “conGRADulations” plate. You walked over the the couch and sat down next to Brendan.

You swung your legs up into his lap and smiled at him. “You didn’t have to do that for me, you know.”

Brendan laughed, “I wanted to.”

You smiled wider and scooted closer to him. You laid your head on his shoulder and watched the tv with him. Brendan leaned his head over on the top of yours.

“I love you.” You said.

You felt Brendan chuckle resonate in his chest. “I love you too.”

The both of you watched tv and cuddled quietly.

Finally, Brendan paused the tv an looked at you. “You know, (Y/N)? I haven’t gotten the chance to tell you how proud I am of you.”

You blushed a little and smiled awkwardly. He continued, “No. Seriously. There are so many dependent people in the world. People, sometimes even wags, that refuse to get jobs and just rely on their spouse to work their butt off to pay for everything. You… You have never even thought about that! You worked your tail off even though we both know I can support us just fine. I just respect you so much for that.”

You felt yourself tear up a little at the end of his speech.

“I didn’t think anyone cared how hard I worked…”

Brendan pulled you into his arms. “I care. Everyone cares. That’s why we were all here today. To celebrate your hard work. You’re the strongest woman I know, (Y/N).”

You hugged him a little tighter, completely at a loss for words. You two pulled apart and he smiled at you. He bopped your nose.

“Your independence is one of my favorite things about you. And don’t you forget it.”


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