#101 Jonathan Toews Imagine

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Early on a Saturday morning your boyfriend Jonathan Toews woke you up with a phone call. He had told you to grab your hockey skates you rarely used anymore and told you to meet him at the Blackhawks practice stadium. You were confused, but still went.

"SO! I have brought you out here for a little contest." Jonathan skated in a circle and turned sharply back to look at you.

He held his hockey stick firmly in both hands.

You pursed your lips, “Okay…”

"We both know you can skate."

"Yeah?" You still didn’t see why he had called you out here.

"So, I want to see if you can shoot."

You groaned. This seemed to always be a topic of conversation between you two. You had played hockey as a teenager and he had never seen you play. Because of this, Jonathan was constantly trying to get you to just play around with him and show him your “skills”.

You were about to tell him no when he started talking again.

"Wait! Before you back out you must hear what you get if you win."

You crossed your arms. Curious of what he could be offering.

"If you win, you get to check me into the boards."

You perked up slightly. It sounded fun.

"And if I win…”

"Oh no…" You thought to yourself.

"Then I get to kiss you."

You laughed and thought, "I expected him to want much more than a kiss…"

"Oh, okay." You said aloud.

Jonathan smiled and picked up the puck from the ice. You sighed and adjusted your gloves better.

"You sure you can handle this, (Y/L/N)?"

You scoffed and started skating in the opposite direction of him.  Once about 6 feet away you turned back around to face him.

"I think you are just hoping I drop out so you won’t lose."

Jonathan laughed, “Sure thing, Darlin’. Let’s speed this up, you’re a bit irresistible while wearing hockey stuff.”

You felt warmth from his compliment. You realized he was starting to distract you. “Drop the puck then.”

Jonathan dropped the puck onto the ice and hit it over to you softly.  

"Come on, Toews. I know you can do better than that."

You quickly skated towards him then moved to the side at the last minute. He realized quickly the juke you had played and skated backwards to defend against you. You hit the puck hard before he could completely block your way, but Jonathan was fast and deflected it.

The puck skidded to the right and Jonathan and you both took off after it, him reaching it before you could. He controlled the puck almost instantly and began skating fast towards your open goal.

You sped up and hit the puck to the side and away from him. He started to skate fast in the direction of the boards. As fast as you could you skated towards him to make sure he couldn’t get an opening.

Like always, he reached the puck quicker than you, so without thinking you shoved him sideways into the boards, knocking him off his feet. You skid to a stop and gasped. Your hand covered your mouth. He stared up at you with his mouth agape.

"Oh my gosh! I’m sorry!" You tried to apologize.

Jonathan stood up and brushed himself off. He stared at you intently. You started to get worried that he was mad


Jonathan cut you off with a kiss. He dropped his stick to the ice and cupped your face with his big gloved hands. You followed suit and dropped your own stick then wrapped your arms around his waist. After a few seconds he broke the kiss.

"I can’t believe you checked me."

You laughed breathlessly.

"I guess this means we both win?"

You looked at Jonathan expecting to see him agreeing in defeat. Instead he was pointing behind you and shaking his head.

You looked over your shoulder and saw that somehow in the process of falling Jonathan had managed to get the puck into the net. You raised your eyebrows at him in disbelief.

"I guess you can say I’m a hockey player." He laughed.

You smiled and playfully punched his shoulder.

"I guess you can say that about me too." You joked.

Jonathan bent down and grabbed his stick off the ice.

"Again?" He asked.

You shook your head with a smile. “Fine.”


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