Chapter 33

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Daphne ran to get Sky.

"Daphne, you're awake!"

"No time for that! Something's wrong with my sister!"

Sky ran to help Bloom. When he entered the room, he saw her, her eyes red from crying but her ready to fight.

"Don't you dare, don't dare to touch me, Sky!"

He was ready to fight, too. But he didn't want to fight his wife. He didn't want her to get hurt.

"Bloom, just calm down. Please, I don't want to fight you!"

"Forget it! I do what I want!" She let her guard down and walked right up to him. She looked him in the eye. "You're so naive, you know that?"

He pinned her down to the bed. "So are you!"

She burnt him when he touched her and he let go. She stood up and so did he. They circled each other, and Daphne could only just watch.

She shot an attack at him and he dodged it. But then, Bloom collapsed to the front. She had been shot by Stella. She screamed.

"Ugh! You Bitch! You did not just do that! If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get!"

She picked herself up and turned to fight both Sky and Stella. Suddenly, the rest of their friends appeared to fight her.

"You traders! I guess it 1 against 12! But the odds are in my favor, because I have the Dragon Flame!!!!" She shot an attack to get them all at once, but they all shielded themselves. All except Musa.

"Musa!" Riven yelled.

"I'm fine, just get me out of here. I don't want Bloom to hurt the baby."
He helped Musa out of Bloom and Sky's room where the battle was taking place.

"The twerp had it it coming, anyway. Oh, leaving so soon?"

"Bloom, stop! Just stop!" Cried Aisha.

"It's no use. She's not herself." Replied Techna.

Bloom went to the ground looked down with an innocent look. "I want to stop." She got up once again and looked up and smiled cooly. "But I won't." She went directly to shoot Flora this time.

She fell to the ground. As she stood on the ground, she though, Crap. I hope I'm ok. I've been feeling odd lately and think I'm pregnant. I haven't told Helia how I've been feeling lately, though. And, if I am, I don't want anything to have happened to the baby. Helia ran up to her. She was about to request to leave the room so nothing would happen to the baby, but then she didn't. Stella and Daphne, who were uninjured or minorly injured hadn't backed out. Stella was 3 and a half months pregnant, and Daphne was 4 and a half. Stella's was a bit bigger than Musa's, since she was 2 weeks more than her, but Musa's was almost the size of Stella's. Meanwhile, Daphne's was the biggest. Her friends had put up a fight despite their conditions, and she wasn't even sure if she truly was pregnant, so Flora couldn't give up now. She had Helia help her up and she decided to put up a fight, too. She didn't want to hurt Bloom, though. So she attacked her with a sleeping mist plant. It began to work, but the plant was quickly dismissed by Bloom.

"Is that all you've got? A stupid plant? If like plants so much, them here, you can have one." She absorbed the attack and shot it back at Flora stronger, but except of the mist being made out of just the sleeping powder, there was also fire in the mist, leaving Flora in much pain.

"Flora!" Yelled her friends. Helia once again went up to help her, and she got back up for another round.

"Alright, that's it, Bloom. We've had enough!" Yelled Stella. She was preparing to attack Bloom when Flora grabbed her arm.

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