Chapter 19

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Bloom woke up to a throbbing head and an aching body. She turned to the side and saw that Sky wasn't there, in bed next to her, or in her room. Before she could go look for Sky, she felt a grumble in her stomach, and ran to the bathroom. Her nausea had been getting worse. She took a shower and wrapped herself in her robe. She down to the kitchen to see none of the cooks on duty, but instead Sky, making her breakfast. He turned his head to see Bloom, all wrapped up in her robe. She gave him a small smile and he flashed one back to her, before her smile went away at the twins kicking at her. They got closer and pulled in for a kiss, and with every breath she took, she said something, as did Sky.



"" bloom joked.

"So....wanna....take......a stroll.....down.....gardenia....park?" Sky asked.




They pulled apart and went back to their room. Bloom slid on a baby blue tank top, blue skinny jeans, and ballet flats. Sky wore, as always with Bloom, a white tank top and dark blue jeans, and black sneakers. Bloom left her hair out and applied a bit of mascara and makeup. They left the castle to Gardenia park and took their stroll, talking and laughing.

"Hey, Sky, I'm getting kinda hungry. Wanna go to the frutti music bar?"

Before he could respond to Bloom, he spotted someone in the corner of his eye, who he had least expected to see. "Speak of the devil." He whispered.

"What'd u say, Sky?"

"Nothing Bloom. I'm up for the frutti music bar. But you go without me, I'll meet up with you."

"You sure I'll be ok?" She asked, pointing at her very pregnant stomach.

"Um I'm sure bloom. You'll be ok."

Bloom began to walk away to the frutti music bar, and when she was our of sight, Sky turned around.

"What do you want, you asshole?!"

Diaspro looked at Sky with a smirk. "Just taking a walk."

"Leave, NOW!!!"

"Ah-ah-ah, Sky! Your not in Eraklyon, so you can't do anything to me!"

"I can when I get there!"

"Well, anyway, I just wanted to say I can still see you're with Bloom. I can also see she's pregnant! So, who did the slut cheat on you with and that guys the father, because I would never do that to you!!"

"Well guess what, Diaspro? That so called "slut", the woman I love, she would never do that to me! Oh and ps, I'm that slut's children's father!"

Diaspro gasped, but soon brought herself together, plastering a stern look on her face. "Well then, that piece of crap you call a woman, her stupid crappy children, and you can go screw yourselves and crawl into a hole and die! If you need me, I'll be here, waiting for you to come to you're senses about me, Sky."

"Oh, I already have come to my senses about you, Diaspro. You that person, the stupid ugly whore that nobody likes!" With that, Sky walked away to the frutti music bar, Diapsro angered.

Because You Never Told Me (winx club fanfic part 1)Where stories live. Discover now