Chapter 17

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Sky ran to Bloom. She had been attacked by Icy, who had intruded the castle, along with Darcy and Stormy. Daphne, mad, transformed into her Sirenix form, while Sky helped Bloom up, her a little hurt.

"Siren-" bloom was about to transform when Sky interrupted her.

"Bloom, you can risk getting hurt, for the sake of the babies. Your parents, Daphne, my parents, and I will take care of it. Just sit down."

"No, Sky! I have to help you."

"We will take care of it! You are helping me by letting me know that you are safe!"

"I am helping you. SIREN-"

"No, Bloom! I COMMAND you to sit down!"

"Sky, you may be my husband, and you may be the king of Eraklyon, but you CANNOT order ME what to do!"

"Bloom, it's not for me I want you to sit down. Sure, I would love your help. But it's for the children! But imagine what could happen if you got hurt! Please just sit down!"

"Shut up, Sky! Whatever!" Bloom sat down, mad.


Icy had just attacked Bloom and Sky had went to help her, and then they began to fight. Meanwhile, Daphne was ready to attack Icy, but before she could, a person that looked like a fairy, said to Icy "Do not waste your time or energy on Bloom, her pesky pixie of a sister, or any of her family. We will get her when she is alone and the time is right."

"Yes, mistress," said Icy. The Trix and the fairy left, before a fight could begin between Bloom's family and them.

Everyone went back to what they were doing and asked Bloom if she was ok. A maid came and brought Bloom an ice pack since she had been hurt on her sides and had a headache.

"Are you sure, honey, you're fine?" asked her mother, for what felt like to Bloom the fifth time.

"Yes mom, I'm fine. I just have a headache and my sides hurt a bit."


A few hours after lunch, after Bloom had finished resting, she decided it was past time to tell her friends the news. She grabbed her phone and called Stella.

"Hey Stel. I have something important to tell you and the girls. Meet you and the girls at the frutti music bar in Gardenia at 8?"

"No, I can't. How about you meet us with Sky in the ballroom in you guys' castle at 6?"

"Why so soon? It's 5."

"The sooner the better. You in?"

"Fine, I'll meet you there. Six it is. Bye."


Bloom and Sky went along getting ready to meet the girls.

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