Chapter 16

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Bloom woke up and looked around. Where am I? She thought. She started going through her new set of memories. She knew where she was! She was in Sky's room in his castle! But why? She started trying to get up, but she was struggling because of the pregnancy. She finally got up, in search of Sky. "Sky? Where are you?" She went all over the castle and still couldn't find him. She finally found him in the garden. "Sky?" Sky looked up. He ran to her as fast as he could. He looked at her and put a hand on her stomach, which was no longer flat, but big. "Sky, how long was I asleep?" Sky looked down and closed his eyes.


"Four months, Bloom."

Bloom gasped. "Four months?"

"Actually, four and a half."

"Wait, so I'm 7 months pregnant?!" Bloom began to back away from Sky. She tripped over a fallen tree branch, but Sky caught her. Bloom caught her breath. "Sky, all this time, wasted?! We're going to be parents soon and we don't know the first thing about it!" Bloom cried into Sky's chest.

"Do you're biological parent know, Bloom?"

"No. Do yours?"

"No. We can invite both of them to lunch at the castle today to tell them, and you can invite daphne, too."

"Speaking of which, Sky, why am I here?"

"You don't know?"


"I am the King of Eraklyon, and since you married me, that makes you my Queen."

"I'm the queen?"


"Oh, Sky. I'll go call up my parents to come for lunch."

"Ok. I will too."

They called their parents -and daphne- and invited them over for lunch. When lunch came, the parents and Daphne waited for Bloom and Sky. Sky soon came to the table and sat down.

"Where's Bloom?" asked Daphne.

"She'll be here in a minute." answered Sky.

Bloom soon came, but stood in the doorway shadow so they couldn't see her. "Hello mom, daddy, daphne, Erendor, and Samara. I have something important to tell you all."

"What is it, honey?" asked her mom, Mariam.


Sky got up to help Bloom. She slowly stepped out of the shadow. As they began to see her, they all gasped.

"Everybody, I'm pregnant." Bloom and Sky's fathers choked on their drinks.

"Honey, that's amazing!!" said Mariam. She and Samara ran up to Bloom in excitement.

"Congrats little sis!" said Daphne (now human).

"Who's the father?! I'll kill him!"said Oritel.

"Daddy!! Sky is!" Bloom said sternly.

"Sorry, Sky." apologized Oritel.

"My boy, you're going to be a father!" said Erendor, proudly.

"How many months are you and what's the sex of the baby?" asked Daphne.

"Well, I'm actually 7 months and I don't know the sex of the babies."

Daphne gasped. "7 months? With twins?"

"Amazing, right?" said Bloom.

Oritel almost fainted right then. "No, my daughter can not be 7 months pregnant with twins!"

"Too late, daddy." said Bloom.

Everyone was happy, and they all ate lunch, celebrating Bloom.


"Bloom!!!" everyone yelled.

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