Chapter 3

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The couple had just entered the store when a sales woman went up to bloom and took her around the store to look at dresses. She then took bloom to the dressing rooms.

Meanwhile, Sky took out his Magix phone to update his best friend, brandon, on how things were going with the mission and life so he can report it to the head of red fountain. The phone read:

Sky: Hey Brandon. Wow man, I can't believe it's been 5 months since I've texted you. Everything's going great with the mission. The princess is safe, and everything is awesome. Ps just one minor little thing: I kind of proposed to the princess I'm protecting 4 months ago.

Brandon: Sky, ARE YOU CRAZY??!! One of the things you were told when you were first given the mission was not to fall in love!!!! Yet what do you go and do? FALL IN LOVE WITH THE PRINCESS!!!!!!! They already don't know that you were dating the princess, LET ALONE MARRYING HER!!! You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into!

Sky: I know man, I know. But I love her and it feels like I was meant to be with her. I don't care anymore about what they said or what they will say, because I love her. Just tell them that everything's all good and don't mention the marriage stuff, I guess.

Brandon: Whatever, man, but you can't lie forever, you'll have to tell her the truth sooner or later and come back to red fountain.

Sky: I know but this is for now

Bloom began to approach Sky slowly in a wedding dress. He quickly looked up and back to his phone and wrote:

Sky: I've got to go we'll catch up later bye

With that, he sent the message and put his phone away. Sky looked up at Bloom in awe.

"How do you like this one?"

"Bloom, it's beautiful, especially on you. But no dress in the universe will ever be beautifuler than you on any day."

"You're so sweet, Sky." bloom beamed.

Sky smiled at her. But, when she wasn't looking, he began to stare at her intently. His face hardened. For he was able to see something that-if true- may change their lives-especially Bloom's- forever- a bump on her belly.

Because You Never Told Me (winx club fanfic part 1)Where stories live. Discover now