Chapter 18

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Bloom was wearing a baby blue, short, sleeveless dress, with jewels at the top, and flat shoes, with jewels at the top as well. It didn't really matter what type of dress she wore, because her pregnancy was just as noticeable. Sky was in a white tee and long, dark pants. They began going to the ballroom.

When they got there, Sky slowly opened the door. Out of nowhere, Sky and a crowd of people, led by the winx, yelled surprise. Bloom looked around. There were decorations everywhere. From tables, to party favors, to 'Congratulations on the pregnancy!' banners.

"Sky, what is this?"

"A baby shower for you and the twins."

Bloom smiled at Sky. "You were in on this?"

"Yep. It looks amazing, right?"

"Sky, it's wonderful!" Bloom ran-and half waddled- to her friends. They did a group hug and smiled at one another.

"How did you know about the pregnancy?"

"Sky told us." answered Aisha.

"You sure Stella didn't tell you?"

The girls laughed. Sky came and gave Bloom a passionate kiss. She smiled at everyone who had come to the baby shower, which included their families, the winx, the specialists, most of domino, and most of Eraklyon.

"Thanks, guys!" Bloom smiled at her friends, but her smile soon faded away. "But, I can't stay." She backed away from her friends and Sky, and sat in the decorative chair where the future mother was to sit. She put one hand on her forehead, the other on her stomach, and closed her eyes.

"Bloom, what do you mean?" asked Sky, him and the girls with a look of concern.

"I can't stay. The Trix know where I'm at, and if I stay, I'm putting myself into more danger. I need to be more protective of my twins and go somewhere where we're out of harm and they can't find us."

"Don't be so paranoid, Bloom. We can leave after the party. lets enjoy this time."

"Look who's talking. You were forcing me to sit down earlier." Bloom shot back.

Sky clutched his fist. He was getting tired of Bloom's smart remarks. Flora pulled Sky back from Bloom to talk to him.

"Don't take it personally, Sky. It's her hormones talking. It'll be over soon." She said.

"I hope so, because this is getting to be like a less dangerous, more rude and annoying, version of dark Bloom, and we all know we don't want that to happen again." answered Sky.

"I heard that, Sky!" yelled Bloom.

"See what I mean?" asked Sky.

"Sky, don't worry about it too much. It's natural for her to act like that because she's pregnant." Flora explained. Sky went back to Bloom to try and talk to her.

"Bloom, the Trix already attacked earlier, and left so soon. They surely would have no reason to strike again."

"Fine, but don't say I didn't tell you so if they come back." Bloom got up, with the help of Sky.

"May I have this dance, Queen of Eraklyon?"

"But of course, King of Eraklyon." They joked. Bloom and Sky danced. Every so often, during the party, Bloom would sit and rest. She got many gifts, including cribs, pampers, and clothes, although nobody knew the sex of the babies.

After the party, Sky carried Bloom bridal style to her room. He helped her put her pj's on. She was so tired, she didn't even care about leaving the palace anymore.

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