Chapter 23

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"So Sky, I was thinking maybe we could go shopping today." Bloom said,when they finally got back to their room.

"Sure. What for?"

"Well for one thing, I need more clothes. All of them are too small for my stomach, and this outfit's barely fitting me! we also need to start buying things for the babies besides what we got at the baby shower."

"Ok, then let's go!"

*at the mall*

When they got to the mall, the first store they went to was the maternity store. Bloom got plenty of maternity clothes, including dresses. After that, they went it the furniture store. They went to the baby furniture section, and Bloom said everything she wanted, but Sky didn't get them.

"Sky, why aren't you getting anything?"

"Just tell me everything you want for the twins. I have a surprise in store for you."

"Ok." Bloom quickly kissed Sky on the lips.

After a few hours, Bloom and Sky finally went back to their palace. They spent a bit of time in the garden talking about the twins.

"Sky, about the condition thing with the babies and all that, what are we gonna do?"

"Don't worry, Bloom. I'll make sure you make it to the hospital in time to give birth." He put both hands on her stomach. She put both her hands on to of Sky's hands, which were still on her stomach. She kissed Sky a short kiss. They smiled when they felt a kick, although it hurt Bloom.

"It's getting late, Sky. I'm tired." It was only 8 o'clock when she said that, but the pregnancy was starting to make Bloom restless, so she was getting tired and going to bed early. Sky smiled at Bloom. He picked her up bridal style.

"Wow, Bloom, your getting heavy!"

"Yea, well, how do you think it feels to be carrying all this pregnancy weight everyday."

Sky began to carry Bloom to their room. When he set her on the bed, she was drowsy and nearly asleep.

"Bloom, wake up. You need to change." Sky shook her and whispered, and she opened her eyes. She was mad.

"Don't you dare wake me up again next time, Sky! You know I'm pregnant and my hormones go crazy!" Bloom held up a fireball in her hand. Sky playfully held his hands up in surrender and smiled. Bloom went to the bathroom and changed into her clothes. When she got out of the bathroom, she was only wearing a shirt that slightly covered her underwear, although she really didn't care since she was tired. She quickly dropped herself on the bed.

"I love you, Bloom."

"I love you too, Sky," Bloom said drowsily. But before they could do anything else, she was knocked out.

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