Chapter 35

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"Sky, what are you talking about?"

"Bloom, I don't want to worry you, and I'm not even sure if what I think is correct."

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Because then it'll worry you even more than you already are. You need to rest."

"I know... but Sky, I'm scared. How am I going to face Diamond? I don't want to die!"

"Bloom, just rest, okay? And remember, everything is going to turn out fine, alright?"

"I guess so..." She laid down in the bed.

Sky tucked her in and kissed her lips lightly when they both heard the twins' cried through the door. Bloom attempted to get up but Sky gestured her back down.

"Sky...the twins."

"I've got it."

"Give me one of them.."

"No, Bloom, rest. I'll take care of them."

"Alright..." She closed her eyes and tried to rest.

Sky left the room.

"What'd she say?"

"Is she okay?"

"Why did she want you?"

"Did something happen?"

"Is everything alright?"

"Guys, quiet down, she's sleeping. Turns out... she has her powers. I don't want to talk about it. Daphne? I need to speak with you."

He pulled her to the side where no one could hear them.

"There's more, and it's not good, I can tell of it." she said.

"It's just... what are your considerations?"

"Well, I thought she might have been stressed, she could be scared, worried, maybe anxiety, exhausted,-"

"Under a spell." he whispered.


"I think she was under a spell."

"That can't be possible. I've already thought of that and-"

"That's what it is!"

"Sky, get a hold of yourself! Don't-don't just skip to conclusions!"

"She could be crazy for all we know! We-we don't know what happened!"

"She told us earlier she got attacked by Diamond. That should be proof enough-"

"That's not proof!"

"Daphne, Bloom is not crazy! I know what the fuck I'm talking about!" He yelled. Everyone else heard and looked with much concern.

Thoren walked up to Sky. "What's this about?"

"None of your business!"

"This is all of my business. You were yelling at my pregnant wife!"

"Thoren, it's fine-"

"I don't give a damn! She was considering Bloom to be insane!"

Thoren began to go closer to Sky and pushed him towards the wall. "You don't have the right to yell at Daphne!"

He punched Thoren in the stomach furiously. "I do whatever I-" Blood trickled out of his mouth and slowly he slid down the wall, collapsing to the ground. He was surrounded by his guards. His eyes slowly shut closed and he could hear everyone's voices fading away.

Because You Never Told Me (winx club fanfic part 1)Where stories live. Discover now