Chapter 27

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Bloom woke up around 12 am. She had woken up several times during the night because of pain. "Sky?" she whispered. She felt something, and looked down to see Sky's hands on her stomach. She was so relieved that Sky was excited about her pregnancy and actually wanted the babies. Not everyone always had that. She continued to stare at Sky's hands on her stomach. She placed her hands on top of his and continued to stare. She looked up to see Sky smiling at her.

"Morning babe." He leaned in and kissed her.

"Sky...." They both looked at her stomach where their children were and smiled at each other. "I love you...."

"I love you too, Bloom."

"I'm so happy that you've stood by me and accepted my pregnancy!"

"Bloom, why wouldn't I? It's children, that I'm the father of, and your carrying them, and it's a result of our love. Having children with you couldn't be better!"

"Oh Sky, I love you!" They moved in closer to hug, but had to move away from each other because Bloom's bulging belly was in the way. He pulled up the hospital dress bloom was wearing from the false birth to reveal her stomach. Her stomach was extremely stretched out and gigantic, to the point where her vains decorated her stomach.

"Bloom are you ok?"

"I'm hurting, why?"

"Have you even seen your stomach?"


"So then are you feeling ok? It's all stretched out!"

"Still not feeling good."

"Well then maybe this will make it better." he moved in and kissed her stomach. She laughed.

Sky was still kissing and admiring her stomach when she pulled away and ran to the bathroom. "You okay, Bloom?"

"I.....hate.....pregnancy!" she yelled from the bathroom. Bloom finally went back to the room.

"Feeling better?"

"No!" she groaned.

There was a knock on the door and it slowly began to open. Sky quickly got out of Bloom's bed and put his tee back on, while Bloom quickly put the dress back over her belly. By time the door had completely opened, Sky was sitting in a chair near Bloom. A doctor had come in to check on Bloom.

"So, Queen Bloom, we are releasing you from the hospital, but, this is one painful pregnancy you've got here. I'm just gonna check to make sure you're okay. Can you pull up your dress?" Sky wasn't comfortable with another man having her pull up her dress, but if it meant making sure she was ok, then he could accept it.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, queen bloom. Do I have your permission, along with yours, king Sky?"

"I'm fine with it. Sky?"

"I'm not, but if it means making sure your fine, then ok."

"Ok, let's get started." said the doctor. First, Bloom pulled up her dress, and the doctor pressed down on her stomach to make sure everything was alright. It had hurt Bloom. Then, he did another ultrasound. By the end, everything was ok, but Bloom would still have lots of pain.

"Ok, everything seems to be fine. She should give birth by next week."

"NEXT WEEK?!" Bloom and Sky simultaneously asked.

"I though I had 2 weeks?"

"Well, judging by the amount of pain and stomach growth you've had, you should have the twins by next week. Maybe even this weekend. And you may now be released from the hospital, Queen Bloom." The doctor left the room.

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