Chapter 13

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Stella and Bloom finally made it back to the nurse's office where Brandon and Sky were. When they opened the door, Sky looked surprised to see then back so early, with a touch of guilt from earlier. Brandon was across where Sky was. There were a stack of magazines near him.

"Ahem" said Brandon.

"What" said the girls, simultaneously.

"Oh, not you. I'm talking to Sky."

Sky looked up after what seemed like forever of staring at Bloom. "What?"

"You know what, Sky."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Brandon threw a magazine at him.

"I'm sorry, Bloom, for fighting with you earlier."

"What else?" asked Brandon.

"While you're pregnant and can't take stress, even though it was you're hormones talking."

Brandon threw another magazine at him. "Stop being a freakin asshole, Sky!"

Sky rolled his eyes "I'm beating you up for this later.

"Whatever. go on"

"But even worse that I can't control my anger" Sky threw three magazines that where nearby at Brandon as hard as he could.

"See Sky, that's what I was talking about. That anger."

"Shut up" snapped Sky. "What's up, Bloom."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm going to see Faragonda and I'm not going without you. Lets go."

"What's with the tone?"

"I don't have a freakin tone, Sky!!! It's called my hormones! And Brandon's right. Does it really take him for you to admit you were wrong for yelling at me WHILE IM PREGNANT???!!!!" Bloom snapped. "I'm sorry, I-I don't know where that came from." She apologized. She closed her eyes, put one hand on her stomach, and slowly sat down next to Sky. She could barely stand, for she was still very weak and pale.

"What were you saying before, Bloom?"

"I'm going to see Faragonda and see if there's anything I can do to help this situation. I really don't want to go without you. Just you and me"

"Bloom, you can't even stand right now! let's just wait until tomorrow when you get better." Sky said with a look of concern on his face.

"Ok. I think I've had enough for today, anyway. I feel so dizzy." Bloom started drooping down her eyes, Sky realizing just how sick she feels. Still keeping a hand on her stomach, Bloom drowsily used her free arm to wrap it around Sky's neck so he can help her back to the bed. As he helped her, she had her head tilted down. He grabbed her and laid her on the bed. With that, she immediately fell asleep, along with Brandon and Stella. But Sky, lost in his concern for Bloom, could barely sleep.


The next morning, Sky was the first one awake, even though he actually never quite went to sleep. He was too worried about Bloom's well being and she was doing with the pregnancy. He watched as his wife peacefully slept, along with his friends that were still asleep. But he felt like crying, yelling, hitting something, for his wife didn't look to be getting any better. Even while she slept she looked so....lifeless. Her hair was so dull, and her skin so pale. Sky lied away thinking about Bloom, and everything that they have and could go through. All the fears and bad things that could happen to Bloom. His fears were eating at him, but he must stay strong for Bloom, for she needs him to help her survive. He laid there thinking for a few hours. The second to wake up was Brandon. Stella was third, because of course she needed her 'beauty sleep'. But Bloom hadn't woken up yet. After the three ate, they stood there, just watching Bloom. "She looks terrible" said Stella. Sky and Brandon agreed. They had been examining her till about 1 o'clock. Sky was pacing. "Why has she not woken up?! Why??!!" He slammed his fist against the wall. "Chill-ax Sky. Everything will be fine." Said Brandon.

"That's easy for you to say! You're wife's not on the verge of DYING!!!!!!" He punched the wall again. He went to Bloom and started shaking her to wake up, but she wasn't responsive. "Come on, Bloom! WAKE UP!!!!!" Sky was furious. Brandon pushed him away from Bloom, for Sky couldn't keep his emotions in. "Stella! Go get Faragonda! NOW!!!!!" demanded Sky. Stella obeyed, while Sky stood there, furious for his unresponsive wife. "BLOOM!!!!!!!!"

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