Chapter 32

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*Meanwhile, in the palace*

"Okay, so, what do you need to know about Bloom?" Daphne asked when she got to the castle.

"She's weak. She needs to defeat Diamond and the trix, and soon. If not, they could still kill any one of us. Is there any way that she could restore her power before you, Stella, and Musa get weak."

"I doubt it, Sky. She needs to rest on her own, no magic. And that could take a while. Although, I kind of find that odd, shouldn't she have gotten her powers back by now?"

"No. She's weak. She can barely walk. I'm really worried. She needs you guys's help, and as she gets stronger, you guys get weaker. She can't defeat Diamond on her own. I don't want her to get hurt."

"Sky, I wish I could help my sister, but I can't. I'm four and a half months pregnant. This is just the beginning. I don't know if things are going to turn out good in the end like it always does. This isn't a storybook where everything is all good and sweet."

"Books. The books! Is there anything in the books that could help us?"

"I told you, even the books don't have the answer. This has never happened before. It could even cause a war. It's all up to Bloom now."

Sky banged a wall. "SOMETHING! There's got to be something I can do for Bloom! She's my wife!"

"Well, she's my sister! If there's something that could be done for her, I would have told you!!!" She held her stomach tight and breathed hard. She then collapsed to the ground and sobbed.

Sky went to help her up, but she told him otherwise. She looked at the ground and whispered, "Leave me, please I just need to sit down."

He got her a chair and she sat. She continued to breathe hard and held her stomach. "Sky, Bloom, she's-she's going to die!"

"We can't think like that, Daphne! We just have to think further for a way that all of you can fight alongside her with her strong and well. Maybe we can ask the winx. I'll call Stella so she can have the rest of the Winx come over." He grabbed his phone and began to call Stella when he heard a shriek. He immediately dropped his phone and ran to his room, with Daphne following behind him.

"Hello? Hello?" Stella said over the phone. No answer, of course, so she hung up.

Sky opened the door to see Bloom crying and screaming in pain, and the twins awake wailing in their rocking chairs next to the bed.



"A-are you okay?! What's wrong and why did you scream?!" He asked worried. Daphne, next to him in the doorway, looked worried too. Sky ran to his wife and wiped the tears off of her watery cheeks.

"It was- it was Diamond. I had a-a vision, Sky. Threats.....she said she had plans for later.....she a-attacked me..." She didn't mention her power. Not yet. The time wasn't right. She needed more time. Time was her enemy, and she knew it.

Before Sky could say anything, Daphne looked down. "A war has begun." She whispered.

"What?" Bloom and Sky asked simultaneously. They weren't sure they heard her correctly.

"Um, nothing,.....its just...I-"

Their friends suddenly came barging in. "Are you guys alright?" Stella asked.

"How did you know something was wrong?" Asked Daphne, clearly taking up on the chance to distract Bloom and Sky.

"Sky called Stella but when she answered, no one was there. I knew something was up right then." Brandon replied.

Because You Never Told Me (winx club fanfic part 1)Where stories live. Discover now