Chapter 28

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Bloom exited the portal she had created to Gardenia. She had spawned in front of her adoptive parents' house, but she didn't want to go there. They wouldn't understand. Like she had said before, she had decided to go to Andy's house. It was only 2 blocks away from their house. She began to walk as fast as she could to Andy's house, which was actually quite slowly. She held her stomach as she walked to Andy's. She passed by her and Sky's old house, but she couldn't stay there because they had sold the house and it reminded her too much of Sky. Tears slid down her face, but quickly went away when someone called her name. Bloom turned her head.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. Got yourself raped did you? Oh wait, who am I kidding? Nobody would rape YOU! You probably payed somebody!" the person laughed. It was Mitzi.

"What do you want, bitch?!"

"Nothing, just proving how slutty you are!"

"Don't bring my babies into this!"

"Your only 20 and you're pregnant! Seems like a slutty move to me! And twins? Even more of a slut!"

"I'm fine with being pregnant and I always wanted it to happen! I will love my babies! Not that you know anything about love! Oh, and by the way, at least I can keep a man! Unlike you... "

"If you can keep a man, than where is he and why are you walking alone?" Mitzi smirked.

Bloom held her bump with one hand and clutched her fist with the other. Her hand was glowing in fiery. She ignored Mitzi and continued to walk. But of course, she was no match for Mitzi when it came to walking.

"Leaving so soon? It looks to me like you can't keep a man either! especially with a lack of an answer..."

Bloom was furious. "GO AWAY!!!" She screamed. When Mitzi didn't move, she shot a fireball at her, but she moved just in time. Mitzi looked scared and ran away.

Bloom held her stomach and her head. She wasn't feeling so great, and the twins were kicking at her, painfully.

She finally got to Andy's house and knocked on the door. Andy looked confused but happy when he saw Bloom through the window. He opened the door.

"Bloom, what are you doing here? And are you ok? You look like you're about to faint!"

It was true. She looked like she was about to faint. You could also tell she had been crying, because her mascara had run down. "Yea, I'm-I'm ok. Me and Sky just had a disagreement, and I was wondering if I could crash at your place?"

Andy's eyes lit up. "Sure, you can stay!"

Bloom smiled, weakly, and Andy let her in. She sat on the couch. Andy lived alone. He showed her around his house. They then talked for about an hour. They watched a movie for a bit, which had ended around 11:30.

Meanwhile, Diamond and the trix spied on Bloom.

"When the we strike?" asked Icy.

"We strike tonight! Bloom is with that pesky human who has no powers, and she's not in the security of her palace. Tonight will be the perfect time to strike, she just won't know it." Diamond laughed, wickedly.

Back at Andy's, he was showing Bloom to the guest room.

"You know, if you want, I'll sleep here and you can sleep in my room to make the pregnancy more comfortable for you?"

"Your sweet, Andy, but I'm fine. I'm just glad you let me stay."

"Anytime, Bloom."

"Goodnight, Andy," she kissed him on the cheek, and his face spread with delight.

Bloom smiled and laughed, and Andy left her alone. She changed her clothes into her blue silk pajamas and got into bed. She lay there, just thinking. The babies began to kick at her again. Could I give birth soon? No. She thought. She thought about Sky, too. After a little while, she finally fell asleep, not knowing what was coming.


Hey, sorry to tell you, guys, but there's only a couple of chapters left. I'll try my best to expand it, though. I just want to say that I really enjoyed writing this story, and I'm kinda sad. BUT WAIT! Guess what?? I'm going to make this into a series, and it may become a winx club next generation thing. So stay tuned, because once this is done, part two will be coming soon!!!!

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