Chapter 24

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Ok so OMGZZZZ!!!! I can't believe I've got 1k views!!!!! Thank you everybody for reading and keep readin'!!!!!!!!!


Sky got up at 9 in the morning. He turned his head to see a pale Bloom still asleep. It had been late for her to still be asleep, because on a normal day, she would wake up many times during the night. Sky had notice that Bloom looked sick, so he checked her temperature to find that she was 105 degrees, although she was the fairy if fire. He left her in bed to rest.

Bloom woke up at 11 o'clock. She felt awful. She started to get up but felt dizzy. She ran to the bathroom. When she was done, she threw herself on the bed to rest.

An hour later, Sky came into the room to check on Bloom. He had a tray of food in his hands for her. She was still sickly resting in bed. He gave her the tray, but she pushed it aside.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to eat, that's all."

"Your pregnant, you need to eat, Bloom!"

"No! Just let me rest, Sky. I feel horrible."

"Fine, then just get some rest." Sky left the room.

Bloom's phone buzzed. Her friends, in a group chat, had texted her asking if she wanted to go hang out, but she responded saying she was sick. The winx texted her back saying things like "feel better." She laid back down and tried to get some rest, but she couldn't. She had too much to think about, about being a mother soon, and about how things would turn out. Before she knew it, an hour had passed, and Sky came in with a smile and said "You've got visitors." Bloom managed a weak smile and said "Bring them in." Sky left and in return came Stella and Musa. "Hi!" Said Stella, brightly. "Hey....ugh" Bloom responded. "seems you're not so well." said Musa. "You'll have no idea of what pregnancy's like." "Yes, we will!" "What do you...?" "WE'RE PREGNANT!" "OMG! Congrats but trust me, even though it sounds good, I can't wait till you've experienced it for yourselves." Bloom groaned. Out of no where, Musa began crying. "what's wrong, musa?" Bloom asked. She tried to get out of bed, but Stella urged her down and Bloom just sat up. She made Musa sit next to her to the point where she was practically crying on her shoulder. "I-i havent told riven yet!!" She continued to sob on Bloom's shoulder.

"Its ok musa! he loves you!"

"Yes, but what if he leaves me!? I love him!"

"He's not going to leave you!"

"Yes he is! you know how he is!"

"How is he?"

"He's always been so rude and ignorant even when he tries to change!"

"Yes musa, but he loves you, and that's the reason why he even bothers to try! you have to tell him! I mean, he is the father!"

"Fine. I-i just don't want to get hurt!"

"Don't worry! you won't! And either way you would need to tell him!"

They hugged and Bloom laid back down.

"Stella, have you told Brandon?"

"No." she started to get worried.

"Well don't worry either, because he love you too."

Stella nodded. Bloom closed her eyes, for she had a migraine. While Bloom had practically dozed off and Stella and musa had stood in the room, Daphne suddenly came in.


Bloom opened her eyes. "Hey...ugh... what's up?"

"Bloom, I need to talk to you. ALONE."

"Ugh! Please don't tell me your pregnant too with Thoren! I've already dealt with enough stress!"

"What? Why would I be pregnant? Me and him have only done that once, unless..."

"I really don't want to deal with that now! I don't want to be rude, but you can deal with that later. I just want to rest! And Stella and Musa are pregnant."

"Congrats! And Bloom, this is important. I really need to tell you in private."

Stella and Musa got the message. They said bye to Bloom and left.

"So, what did you have to say?"

"Do you remember the day the Trix attacked you in domino?"

"Yes? Why?"

"There was a cloaked figure telling them what to do over there. They retreated because you weren't alone and the cloaked figure had said so. I've been doing some research, and I know who's hiding behind the cloak! Do you wanna hear the story?"

"Sure, why not?"

"20 years ago, a fairy named Diamond was born. She was the princess and the most powerful on her planet, Crysalis. This was after you were born, Bloom. When she was born, The Ancestral Witches put a curse on her, that when she turned 20 years old, she shall set them free, and take over all the dimensions and planets, including earth. Her parents tried to break the curse, but they couldn't. She needed more light bought to he soon dark heart. Meanwhile, nobody had told her about the curse, and she lived a happy life. Her best friend was diaspro, but they stopped being friends around 9 years old because diamond had noticed diaspro being so rude. Diamond had heart heart of gold, being the kindest person anyone could possibly be. She has just turned 20 about 9 months ago, pretty much right before you became pregnant. She soon killed her parents, the king and queen, along with everyone else on her planet, since instead of letting her be the queen like she was supposed to, they wanted to go to war with her. Of course, she defeated them all. Now she needs more power to free the ansestral witches and take over all of humanity. She's after you and your babies, Bloom. She wants to let you give birth, steal your powers and babies, kill you, and feed off there power, since they, after all, are the children of the dragon flame." Bloom began to cry. Daphne comforted her and continued. "You need to stay on guard and watch out. I think since she's now evil, she might be working with diaspro and of course the trix, who all hate you. please just take some precaution, little sis, because I don't want anything happening to you or my nephew and niece."

Bloom was now afraid. Her eyes were red from crying. She got up on her own, which was kind of hard for her, but she still managed it. Daphne tried to urge her down, since Bloom could barely walk and was sick, but she ignored her and marched/waddled to find Sky. She finally found him near one if the unused rooms, standing in the hallway. Daphne had followed her to make sure she was okay.


"Sky!" Bloom said, short of breath. She tried to run to him.

"What's up? You should be in bed resting." He put his hand on her pregnant belly.

Bloom put her hands on top of his. "Sky, it's important. Lock all the doors. Get the guards on high alert. Nobody can come in besides our friends and family. Not even any workers that aren't already in are allowed in. This shall remain until the day the twins are born."

"Bloom, what are you talking about? And why?"

Daphne told Sky the same story she had told Bloom. Immediately, he had his head guard take care of everything.

Since she was already up, she ate breakfast. Soon after, she went back to their room and rested, while Sky went back to fulfill the surprise for Bloom.

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