Chapter 37

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Sky smiled as he found Bloom sitting at the fountain in the garden with the twins. The butterflies were flying around them, and Bloom was pointing at them and showing the twins. Sky kissed both of them on the head, and for Bloom, the mouth. The twins stood in watch, with little baby looks of curiosity on their faces. Bloom and Sky stopped for a second to look at the twins. They blushed in embarrassment when they realized the twins were staring. Sky grabbed Angelique. He stood up and spun her around. She laughed and smiled in delight.

"How is Daddy's little girl?!" He asked. She blew him kisses and kissed him on the cheek. It had been a month since they defeated the Trix and Diamond. Everything had returned to normal and everyone was happy. Sky stopped spinning Angelique and sat down next to Bloom once again, with Angelique in his lap.

"I'm glad you're here with me." He said as he stared into Bloom's eyes.

"So am I, Sky. I love you so much."

They gave each other a quick kiss and continued to adore each other and the twins. Bloom then played with Aiden. She tickled him and he laughed. Both the twins were wearing their onesies. Angelique's was a little fairy onesie with wings, and Aiden's onesie was one with tiger stripes on them, and he tried to act all tough. Both Bloom and Sky set the twins down next to them and tried their kiss again. They kissed a long, long juicy kiss. While they kissed, Brandon came in through the entrance of the garden with Stella by his side.

"Sky, it's time-" He stopped when he saw them kissing.

"You know, we'll have that. Someday, someday soon."

"Isn't this enough?" He pulled her into an embrace. She laughed. He then placed his hands on her 7-month pregnant stomach. She put her hand on top of his. The baby kicked and they both laughed. "Soon..." He said. They began to kiss when Bloom and Sky ended theirs.

Both Bloom and Sky started at them. They both laughed and Bloom pointed.

"Is this how we always are?" She giggled. They then heard people coming as Stella and Brandon kissed in the entrance.

"Stella? Brandon? Did you tell Bloom and Sky? It's getting late! They need to go-umm... Okay..." It was Aisha with the rest of the gang. She stopped when she saw Stella and Brandon kissing. They stopped and looked up.

Their cheeks turned bright pink in embarrassment.

"Sorry..." Brandon began.

Stella looked at Bloom and Sky. "We were just about to get you guys when we saw you guys kissing... and meanwhile, we started to kiss, too."

"Well, anyway, do you guys have any idea what time it is?" Techna said.

"No." Sky said

"It's time for you to get ready! If you don't go now, your going to be late!" Musa shood.

Bloom and Sky got up. They gave each other a quick peck on the lips while their friends pulled on their arms to go. Stella dragged Bloom along.

"Stella, wait! I need to grab the twins!"

"Don't worry, Brandon will grab them! Now come on!" She pulled her into the castle. Sky was already getting ready in the castle while Brandon ran behind them with the twins. He handed them to two nannies who would change them and get them ready. Stella continued to drag Bloom into her room and the walk in closet.

"So, what should you wear?"

"Stella, I already know what I'm going to wear!"

"Well, whatever it is, I was just thinking of a way to fix it! You know me!"

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