Chapter 25

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The next 3 week was the same for Bloom. She was once again sick and dizzy all day, and rarely got up from bed. She had been in bedrest all that time. She was due soon. Another 2 weeks till I give birth she thought. She couldn't wait. She had already deal with so much pain.

A day after the 3 weeks had ended, she finally decided that she was feeling better. To celebrate her being due soon, bloom, sky, and the rest of the winx and guys went to the fruity music bar. It was the day that Musa and Stella had decided to tell their boyfriends and everyone else about their pregnancies.

"Congratulations!!!" everyone said when bloom and sky had entered, despite the fact they already knew about the pregnancy in the first place. Bloom thanked them all and quickly sat down, for she had too much wait to hold up and could only stand for so long.

Stella and Musa were very scared. First up was Stella she went up to Brandon.

"Snkums? I need to talk to you."

"Ok. What about?"

"It needs to be in private."

"Can it wait till later?"

"No, it's super important."

"Ok. Then tell me." He pulled her where nobody could hear. "What's up?"

"Please don't be mad!" Stella started crying.

"Why would I be mad? I love you! Please just tell me!"

"No! No! I just can't!" She sobbed.

"Please just please tell me! I'm begging you just please!"

"Brandon, I'm pregnant!" She laid her face on his chest and sobbed even more.

He got on one knee and took out the ring he had for the perfect time. "Will you marry me?"

"What? I just told you I'm pregnant and you change the subject to marriage! What do you even think of my pregnancy?!"

"I think that it's wonderful! I love you, Stella, and I thought it would be the perfect time to ask you to marry me."

"Well then yes! I will marry you!!"

Brandon got up, put his hands on her stomach, and gave her a long, passionate kiss.

Meanwhile, Musa went to Riven.

"Riven, can we talk?"

"Um yea?"

She pulled him away from where everyone else was.

"I'm pregnant."

Riven was shocked. He couldn't say anything, and just walked out of the fritti music bar. Musa went to cry on Bloom's shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"I told riven I was pregnant, and he just walked away!!" she sobbed.

All the guys and winx looked at Musa, besides Bloom and Stella.

"YOURE PREGNANT?!" they all said.

"Yes..." Musa sniffled. Everybody was shocked, and congratulated her.

When Brandon and Stella were done their kiss, Stella turned to everyone.

"Actually, I'm pregnant too. And me and Brandon are getting married!" They held hands. Everyone also congratulated them.

"Musa, I think you should go follow him and see why he did that." Bloom said.

"No. NO, I really shouldn't. I love him, but he's had too many chances. And besides, him just leaving is just another way of telling me that he doesn't want me or my baby in his life!" She continued to sob.

"You at least need to see why. Go, i'll come with you."

"You sure about that, Bloom?" Sky asked.

"Yes, I'm sure, Sky. And besides, I need to support my friend." She tried getting up on her own, but it didn't work. "Nevermind." Sky helped her up. Instead of walking, she more like waddled out side, and Musa stood next to Bloom, making sure not to go to fast for her.

Once they got outside, they saw riven sitting on a bench.

"Go up to him. I'll come too."

Musa went slow enough for Bloom. They finally reached Riven.

"Riven? Why did you leave?" Musa asked.

Riven looked up. "Can we have some privacy?" he rudely asked Bloom. She waddled back inside and sat next to where Sky was standing.

"Look, Musa. I didn't leave because i don't want to deal with you or the baby."

"Then why did you leave?"

"Listen, this may not sound right to you, but I've always hoped and prayed that you would become pregnant. I've been hoping so long, I was starting to think that you couldn't become pregnant. So when you told me that your pregnant, I was kind of shocked. I started to think about how I would suck as a father, and that I don't think I'm ready."

Musa looked shocked to hear this. "You'll do fine, Riven. We're in this together, and you still have plenty of time before I actually give birth."

Riven smiled, and they kissed. When they went inside, they explained everything to everybody, and they were also told about Stella's pregnancy.

Sky helped Bloom up and she took him outside. "Sky, what do we do? I give birth soon!"

"Bloom, everything will be fine. Plus, I have a surprise for you at home!"

They smiled at each other and kissed a long, passionate kiss while Sky cupped her gigantic bump.

After being at the fruity music bar for a while, everyone left, and Bloom and Sky went back to the castle.

"What surprise do you have for me?"

"Just you wait." he took her to one of the unused rooms. When he opened the door, Bloom was speechless. Sky had made a room for the twins, exactly the way bloom wanted it, and with all the furniture she had picked out.

"How do you like it, Bloom?" Sky asked. She didn't respond. "Bloom?" he looked at her, and she just had a look of pain on her face. "BLOOM?!"

This time, she answered. "I think I'm giving birth, Sky!!"

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