Chapter 12

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Bloom ran to Sky. When he had pushed her out the way, she landed on her side, luckily protecting the babies. She was a little scratched up, but nothing that prevented her from helping Sky. He had a huge cut on his chest. Bloom cried as she put her hands up to the cut, wishing there was something she could do to help him. Instantly, the cut healed, leaving a scar. She didn't know how she did it, since she currently knew no spells. After attacking Sky, the trix had left, leaving them to know that they knew where Bloom was. Bloom tried to help Sky up, but got help from Brandon since she could barely lift herself up. They three walked toward Stella, the fairy of the shining sun, and Brandon's girlfriend. Sky no longer needed help, but instead help Bloom since she looked very weak, pale, and stressed out.

"So this is the princess you broke the rules for." said Brandon, Stella nudging him for being so rude. He looked at Stella and rolled his eyes, saying "Sorry, what I meant to say was 'Hi I'm Brandon, Sky's best friend. This is Stella, my girlfriend. Congrats on the wedding. So how are you?' That good enough, Stel?" She nudged him again, harder this time. Bloom smiled weakly. She was about to go to Stella when she then became weaker, fainting into Sky's arms. Stella gasped.

"We'd better get going. We'll take her to Alfea and set her down in the nurse's office." Sky said. Stella then created a portal to Alfea, the three stepping into it, Sky still carrying Bloom with both hands. The portal took them right in front of the Alfea school for fairies. They began walking inside, Sky and Brandon heading to the nurse's office, and Stella going the opposite way to tell Ms.Faragonda that they were there. After Sky set down bloom in the bed in the nurse's office and Stella came back to the room from going to Faragonda's office, the three began to talk and catch up with each other for a few hours.

Finally, Stella had the nerve to ask what she had been too afraid to ask Sky before. She pointed at Bloom, laying in the bed. "So Sky, um, is she, um, a little um-"

"Pregnant?" Bloom said, finally waking up and getting everyone's attention. Sky looked surprised to see she was awake. She continued. "No I am not 'a little' pregnant. I am A LOT pregnant!!"

"Bloom, your only 2 and a half months pregnant and only known it since today!!" reasoned Sky. Brandon and Stella became uneasy watching them fight.

"So? You don't know the pain I have to go through carrying our children!!! you don't know what it feels like, Sky! Men like you just don't understand what we have to go through! Men count our pregnancies in months, while us woman count in pain!!"

"Damn it, Bloom!!! I do understand! You just haven't been pregnant that long!!!!!!!" Sky slammed his fist against the table near his chair. He could see the scaredness in Bloom's eyes and quickly regretted what he had just done and said. She began to tremble and breathe deeply to calm herself down. Bloom then attempted to get up and out of the bed, but Sky quickly got up and stopped her, putting her back on the bed.

"Why'd you do that for?"

"You need to lay down and rest."

"No, I'm leaving."

"Where would you go?"

"To take a walk ALONE."

"You can't be alone! You're pregnant!! That would be just crazy!"

"Then fine I won't go alone!" Bloom started to get up and Sky let her, helping her up. He sighed with relief knowing that he would be with Bloom to protect her from any harm and that she would be ok with it. She turned to Stella.

"Stella, do you want to come with me? JUST ME and YOU?"

"Sure Bloom I'd love to." The girls smirked at Sky and Brandon as they left, Sky's jaw dropping.

"What was that about?" asked Brandon.

"I don't know, her hormones, I guess."

"You're blaming this on her when you have anger problems too? I mean, she can't control it because of the pregnancy, but apparently you can't control it, either."

"I don't have anger problems!" Sky slammed his fist against the table again. "I just care about her a lot."

Brandon started laughing. "Same old Sky." he said.

Meanwhile, Stella showed a weak Bloom around Alfea, chatting among themselves.

"What was that about?"

"I don't know, my hormones, I guess."

"You're blaming this on yourself when he's the one with the anger problem?"

"Yes, but I got angry too."

"Bloom, don't stress it! You got angry, but you can't control it because you're pregnant. Sky got angry and he can, he just chooses not to! Besides, Sky's always been like that. I mean, you have to be really stupid to not notice it, but even I did!"

Bloom laughed. "I guess you're right. We were, after all, dating for 4 years. I just hate the fact that he knows I can't control it, and I've got our babies on the way, and he still chooses to be a jerk to me!!"

"That's just men, bloom. He's stressing over the new marriage, the fact that you're pregnant, and you're family's future, especially with the child. Oh, and you can't forget that he has to go back to royal duties now, with you as his queen."

"First of all, I'm pregnant with TWINS." Stella's jaw dropped. "Second of all, I didn't know he was a prince."

"He's actually a king." Bloom gasped.

"Third of all, what is my fault in any of this?"

"It's not. It's just that you're the new one in his family, you're gonna be queen, and you're the one who is pregnant with his children. He also takes it out on the first person he can, and since you're always with him, he takes it out on you!"

"But doesn't he understand that stress is bad for me and the babies? He's just causing me more stress and pain!! Why can't he take it out on someone else and understand that I AM PREGNANT!!!????"

"It just doesn't work that way Bloom." Bloom sighed. They had just about finished their tour when there was one last stop Stella wanted to take her: Ms.Faragonda's office.

"Wanna meet her?"

"I don't know, I think I should be with Sky when we figure out the situation here with the whole people-trying-to-kill-me-and-take-my-babies thing."

"K, fine. Let's go back and get him."

And with that, they began walking back to the nurse's office.

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