Chapter 31

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*In Bloom's dreams*

Bloom was in a dark, purple, misty place. She hadn't any idea of what was going on.

"Hello Bloom" said a voice.

She turned around to see who it was. "Diamond. I should have known it was you!"

"Ah, ah, ah. No hello back?"

"I would never hello you back."

"Oh, that's not a nice tone. Watch it. Don't want anything to happen to your beloveds, especially the twins and Sky."

"What are you going to do to them?" She cried out.

"Oh, nothing. Not yet. Those are plans for later."

"Plans for later? Then what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to kill you, Bloom."

"Look, I never did anything to you!"

"Yeah, but you've got the power and the strength I want! And besides, I'm using you as a way to get my emotions out."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean! You've got a family and friends who love you, and I'm stuck with shit!"

"No, you had a family and friends who loved you! You killed them all!"

"They didn't care about me! They never told me of my curse, and let me turn into this, this monster that I now am!"

"They DID care! They cared enough to spare you from dealing with that horrible news. They tried to protect you! They spent your whole life up to where you killed them trying to find a solution from this happening!"

"Well, they didn't try hard enough, did they? Because if you take a look, dear Bloom, you can see to what point this has gotten to now! They didn't do anything, and that comes to the point where I kill you! But don't worry, I won't kill you now."

"You have something in plan, or else you would have killed me right here, in my sleep. What are you up to?"

"Oh, nothing, Bloom. Just giving you the time to say some last goodbyes to the world. And, besides, if you fought me now, everyone would see that you're not as weak as they thought you were, and either way, you'd get killed by me."

"I-i don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh, don't play dumbass with me! We both know that you're powers are near restoration . When those twins were born, they brought more power to you! Even if you're body is weak when it comes to simple things like walking or getting up, you're powers are not!"

"Why-why would I even do that?!"

"Because you know that you'll die either way, so you figured that you'll buy yourself some time with your loved ones."

Bloom sank to her knees and looked down. It was true. She had been doing these things. She looked up with tears in her eyes. "But I still didn't do anything to you! Please, just spare me!!"

"To late!" She struck Bloom with a hard attack, causing Bloom to shriek.

Because You Never Told Me (winx club fanfic part 1)Where stories live. Discover now