Chapter 34

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"Helia, where are you taking me?" Flora asked, blindfolded.

Helia didn't respond. He continued to drag her behind him. When he unraveled the blindfold, they were at a store.

"Why are we here, Helia?"

"Because you're taking pregnancy test. I love you Flora, and I just want to be sure of this."

"But what if I'm pregnant?"

"I'd be the happiest man alive."

"And if I'm not?"

"Flora, I'll love you no matter what. I've loved you when you weren't pregnant will still love you while you are. Just know that." He continued to take her by the hand into the store. He bought her a pregnancy test and they left.

They entered a small ship and Helia drove them to their home in Linphea. They lived in a small castle, since she was only the princess of a small part of her world.

"Wait, you don't mean-?" Flora asked as they entered the castle.

"Yes, we're doing this now."

Flora grabbed the bag and entered bathroom, where she would wash her mouth and take the test. She walked out of the bathroom.

"Helia," She started sadly. "...Positive!! I'm pregnant!!!" She smiled.

He picked her up and spun her, then kissed her. He then let her down and put the blindfold back on her.

"I thought that was the surprise?"

"That was nothing! I'm just getting started!" He grabbed so stuff on their way and guided Flora out. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the forest.

"Where are we?" She asked. She could feel nature extremely close. The place felt familiar.

He didn't answer. He just continued to guide her deep into the forest. But she felt the forest guided her. She began to get a sense of where she was at, but she was still very unsure. Helia took the blindfold off of Flora.

She stood in awe and tears began to fall from her eyes. It was the tree. Her special tree. The tree was gigantic. It had pink flowers and was very beautiful. It was the life source of her, her powers, the forest, and her love. It had a history.

"Helia...." More tears fell from her eyes.

"Could you tell me about this place? I seem to have forgotten!" He smiled at her.

She smiled and held his hands. "This is where my parents met. Where they first kissed. Where they had their first date. They ingraved their names here. Where they got married. Where my mom gave birth to me and my sister."

"What else?"

Tears ran down her eyes. "H-Helia..."

He ran to her side and brung her close to him. "What's wrong?"

"This...this is parents..were murdered...and buried." she began to sob.

"Flora, you told me your parents died, but you never told me this."

"I never liked to talk about it. I was orphaned when I was only 5."

"Yea, but you could have told me on our first date, I mean we had our first date, first kiss, and engraved our names here..."

"But that would be weird, mentioning that on the first date."

They stood quiet for a few seconds when Helia looked her into the eyes and grabbed her in for a make out session. But after a few minutes, Helia pulled away from her. He opened up something and grabbed another thing out. He got on one knee and opened the small box.

Because You Never Told Me (winx club fanfic part 1)Where stories live. Discover now