Chapter 29

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Bloom slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Everything was hazy. When she could finally see where she was, she gasped. She look down at her body, which had been pinned to the wall. She wasn't in Andy's house anymore. She was in the abandoned factory near the fruity music bar. She also felt weak, as if her powers had been drained.

"ANDY!!!!!" Bloom screamed. She was afraid of what could have happened to him. She looked around to see Andy laying on the ground near her, unconsciously. She began to panic and cry.

"Look who woke up." a figure walked in. It was Diaspro. She walked up to Bloom slowly and scratched her stomach with her long nails. Bloom struggled from Diaspro, but it was no use.

"What do you want from me? Why am I here."

"Well, if your to be murdered, I might as well tell you the rest. I'm going to make it short. I want to kill you and have Sky for myself. My former best friend, Diamond, is now evil and she also wants to kill you. So now, we teamed up, and you can say bye to your life, kids, and Sky."

Bloom sobbed. She was helpless.

Diaspro then put a pain spell on Bloom, and left the room. Bloom yelped and screamed and cried in pain and sadness. She was going to die.

Back on Domino, Daphne woke up with a headache. She knew it could be because of the pregnancy, but she also knew something was wrong. She said a spell to be able to see Bloom, and she was shocked at what she saw. She saw her sister, suffering in pain back on earth. "Bloom!!!!" she screamed and cried. "My sister..." she raced to get her parents and thoren, and she told them everything. They quickly got ready and raced to Eraklyon. They all raced through the guards and onto the palace, into sky and bloom's room.

"Sky?" Daphne said.

Sky was asleep and quickly got up, thinking Bloom had came. When he saw it was daphne, he asked, "Don't you knock? And what are you all doing here in MY room?"

"Listen to me, Sky. My sister is in trouble."

Sky quickly got up. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" He demanded.

"Look, Sky. The trix have held Bloom captive in the abandoned warehouse near the fruity music bar, and pain spell was put on her. They are planning to kill her, and with the spell and the pregnancy, she slowly will die. Get ready. We need to leave immediately!"

"BLOOM!!!!!" Sky yelled. He got ready and dressed as fast as he could, while everybody else called the others over too the palace, including Sky's parents.

The rest of them met up with them at Sky's palace. They left to Earth on the ship.

During the ride, Sky explained everything to everybody that hadn't heard.

When they finally got there, before anybody could stop him, Sky kicked open the doors to the warehouse to save Bloom.

"BLOOM!!!!!!" he yelled.

Everybody came rushing in.

"SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sky...." She dropped her head down, beginning to fall unconscious, when a pool of water leaked from.

"NOOO!!!!! NOT NOW!! BLOOM!!!" Sky shouted. Bloom was now in labor although unconscious. Sky was about to run to Bloom, who was on the other side, to help her, when the trix came.

"More guests, eh? More of you to die!" Icy said.

Sky pushed right past the trix and ran to Bloom. The others began to fight the trix while daphne came to Sky's side.

"Oh, Bloom" she cried.

"Bloom!!" Sky screamed.

Daphne put a hand on Bloom's forehead to restore her consciousness. "Bloom?" she asked her sister.

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