Chapter 26

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Bloom and Sky began to panic.

"How are you giving birth?! Your water hasn't even broke!"

"I can feel it, Sky! The pain is way worse than before. I think I'm giving birth!!! You need to take me to a hospital!! NOW!!!!"

"Get the car ready! The queen is giving birth!!!" He ordered one of the guards.

Bloom yelped loudly in pain. "SKY!!!"

He held her hand tightly. "Everything will be ok, Bloom! Just breathe." She took deep breaths. He then picked her up bridal style and rushed her to the car. He drove as quick as he could to the royal hospital. They arrived there in about 10 minutes, Bloom screaming the whole time. Sky took her to the emergency room. "what's wrong?" asked one of the doctors.

"I think my wife, the queen, is giving birth!" They quickly put her on a gurney and rushed her to a room.

Sky waited a little while in the waiting room, anxiously. Finally, a doctor came back about Bloom. "How is my wife?" Sky demanded. "It was a false alarm. The queen shall not give birth, but she's in some serious pain right now. We can tell this pregnancy has been an extremely painful one for her, therefore, we need to keep her overnight to make sure she's ok." Sky pushed the doctor aside and ran to the room Bloom was in to make sure she was okay. He opened the door to hear her scream. He quickly ran to the side of the bed. He couldn't bare to see his love in pain.

"SKY!!!!" she cried.

Sky felt like screaming, crying, hitting something, for Bloom was suffering. "I'm right here, Bloom." he said calmly. He held her hand. She turned her head to look at Sky.

"Sky......SKY!!!!!!!! So....much....pain." She started tilting her head and closing her eyes, practically fainting.

Sky shook her. "Bloom, stay awake! Don't give up on me now!" It was too late though. Bloom couldn't hear, because she had already fainted.

She woke up about 2 hours later. She was still in pain. She turned on her side to see Sky, waiting for her to wake up. He stroked her belly.

"Bloom?" he whispered.

"I'm awake Sky......" she replied back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like crap.....ugh."

"Feel better, my love."

"Thanks, Sky..... Why am I still in the hospital if I didn't give birth, anyway?"

"Even though you didn't give birth, you had to go through some serious pain. The doctors said they could sense that this has been a rough pregnancy for you and they wanted to keep you overnight."

"Well then they're right. I'm having some serious pain right now. Ugh.....i think I'm gonna get some rest, Sky." She started to close her eyes and tilt her head to the side. Sky watched as Bloom dozed off.

Out of nowhere, the winx and guys barged in loudly, each asking if Bloom was okay, or what happened.

"Shh!!!" Sky whispered.

"Hi, guys.....why are you here?" Bloom said, waking up.

"Great, you just woke her! Bloom, go back to sleep." Sky said.

"No, it's fine, Sky." She stroked her belly and sat up with sky's help. "So why are you guys here?"

"Sky told us what happened. Are you okay, Bloom?" said Flora.

"No. I have so much pain!!!"

"Did you give birth?" Asked Stella.

"Does it look like I did?" She pointed at her bump. She groaned and put her hands on her stomach.

"We just came to make sure you're ok. We heard you had to go through some extremely serious pain. Feel better, Bloom!" Said Aisha.

"Thanks.....ugh..." Said Bloom.

Everyone besides Sky left. A few minutes before they left, Daphne came in.

"Hey, little sis. Are you alright?"

"Yea, except the fact that I'm going through some serious pain!"

She sat on Bloom's bed. "Speaking of which, Bloom, Sky, I need to talk to you guys." She looked at Bloom's stomach.

Bloom caught her looking. "What up, Daphne?" She though she knew where this was going.

"Remember what you said about me and Thoren a few weeks ago?"

Sky looked confused, he hadn't known what Bloom had said, so she explained to him. "Yea I remember saying that. Why?"

"Well, me and Thoren actually have done that stuff...."


"I'm pregnant. Thoren's the father."

"Congrats!" Bloom and Sky both said. She tried to give her a hug, but Daphne had to go in instead.

"Does Thoren know?" asked Sky.


"You need to tell him, sis."

"I know, but we just got married not so long ago! I didn't expect to become pregnant this early! What if he gets mad or doesn't want to be with me?"

"How are you even talking about this? hello! I got pregnant before Sky and me even got married!!!"

"Yes but this is different. Sky was the first to find out, no you! He was cool with you, and you were dating for more than 4 years! I really don't know how thoren would react to my pregnancy!!"

"I've known Thoren all my life. he'll be more than happy!" said Sky.

"Ok we'll I'd better leave you alone to rest, Bloom. You really need it, and I will too." Daphne left.

Sky was tired, along with Bloom. He had dealt with too much stress from that false-alarm birth of Bloom's. He slept in the hospital bed next to Bloom. She fell asleep hugging him, and he kissed her stomach and fell asleep with his hands on it. "I love you" he whispered, right before he fell asleep.

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