Chapter 22

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Bloom began to panic. She was breathing deep, hard, and very rapidly, in a way that wasn't normal.

"Queen Bloom, please calm down." Dr. Tompson tried to calm her down but it didn't work. Bloom began mumbling and ranting about how she couldn't believe she might have lost a baby, and how she didn't know what to do, and about being sad. Sky quickly got up, knowing something was wrong with Bloom. He went up to her and held her by the shoulders. "Bloom, please calm down. For the babies. For me. Panicking will just make things worse. Snap out of it, Bloom. Answer me!!!!"

Bloom snapped out of her trance and turned to Sky, saying "Sky, what of you mean 'babies'? For all I know, I might have lost one!"

"I don't mean to interrupt, Queen Bloom, and King Sky, but if I may, I would like to continue the ultrasound to see if both twins are there, alive."

"I'm sorry, please, continue." Bloom said, Sky letting go of his grip on her. Bloom slowly leaned back for Dr.Tompson to continue the ultrasound. She put the machine back on Bloom's stomach and moved it around, and then she finally smiled.

"Good news! Queen Bloom will still be giving birth to twins!" Bloom and Sky sighed with relief. Bloom smiled, while Dr.Tompson's smile faded away.

"But," she continued, "The twins have a condition. They need to be put in an incubator as soon as they are born, or they could die almost immediately. Queen Bloom needs to make sure she gives birth in a hospital, for if she doesn't, it could damage her health, too."

"Sky?" Bloom's eyes were watery. Sky went up to her and she, still laying down, threw her face in his chest and sobbed.

"I think I will give you two some time alone. I will be back in a few minutes." Dr.Tompson walked out of the room.


Sky looked down at Bloom. "It'll be ok, Bloom."

"No it won't! What if I go into labor early and we don't make it to the hospital in time??!!"

"You can't think like that. We will make sure that you make it to the hospital on time!"

"Oh sky." bloom closed her eyes in sky's arms. "Ouch!!" bloom quickly move back from Sky's arms and put her arms on her bulging belly.

"What wrong, Bloom?"

"Owww! The babies, their kicking a lot!"

Sky put his hands on her stomach, although sticky with gel, and felt the babies kick. He put the ultrasound machine back on bloom's stomach and watched the babies kick, still keeping an empty hand on Bloom's stomach.

"I'm getting nauseous, Sky." Bloom quickly pushed his hand and the machine off and ran to the bathroom.

Sky went with Bloom and held her hair back, while rubbing her back. Dr.Tompson came in and noticed that Sky and Bloom were in the bathroom, bloom vomiting. When they came back from the bathroom, Dr.Tompson was sitting in her chair waiting for them. Bloom laid back on the seat like table, with Sky helping her. Sky then sat back down on his chair. The doctor then put more gel on Bloom's stomach. Finally, the ultrasound ended, and Dr.Tompson wiped off the gel.

"Would you like to know what you are having?"

Bloom looked at Sky. "Me and Sky have decided, and yes, we would like to know what we are having."

"Ok. You are having a baby boy and a baby girl. And you are due on the 30th of next month, which is in a month and 1 week."

Bloom and Sky smiled at each other. They were happy to be having each of what they wanted.

The doctor gave them the ultrasound DVD and pictures. "I will look forward to seeing you again on the 20th of next month for your next appointment."

Bloom and Sky left the office and went back to their room.

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