Chapter 21

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Bloom woke up at 9:30 am. "Crap! Sky wake up we need to be ready for when the royal doctor comes at 10!!!" She quickly ran to the bathroom and came back. "You good?" Sky asked, just waking up. Sky got up to take a shower, and after a few minutes, Bloom went into the bathroom, too. Just when Bloom opened the shower curtain to get in, Sky shielded his eyes from her.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not supposed to see that."

"You already have. How do you think this happened?" She pointed at her stomach.

"Good point. Get in!" he unshielded his eyes.

They took a shower and got dressed. Sky wore his usual, and Bloom wore a baby blue t-shirt with love written on it in navy blue, and a navy blue ruffled skirt. They went downstairs to the office they had in the castle for when the royal doctor came, and she was already waiting for them.

"Ah! King Sky and Queen Bloom! You're just in time for the appointment!" said Dr.Tompson. Bloom smiled at her.

"Well, let's get this started. Queen Bloom, please lay down here." Bloom laid down at the table where she would be checked up on, while Sky sat in a chair nearby. Dr.Tompson took out her clipboard. "Ok, Queen Bloom, I can see here that you are pregnant with twins, 8 months."

"Wait, wait, WAIT! I'm 8 months?! I though I was 7 and a half!"

"Well, dear, what did you use to determine that?"


"I used a scanner on my phone on her."

"Well, those things aren't always correct, you know. But lucky for you too, the only thing that was incorrect was the amount of months, but only by about 2 weeks."

"So in about a month, I give birth?"


"Ugh. I know it's painful, but I can't wait to get the twins out of me and into the world."

"Ok, so now I have to ask you a question."


"How do you usually feel on a regular day of your pregnancy?"

"Well, I usually wake up nauseous, my back sometimes hurt, I get moody, I always have pain from just having to carry the babies, and they've been kicking at me harder and more often, and all of this is just killing me."

"Okay, well, you might find this hard to believe, but this is all a bit normal during this stage of pregnancy, but it will get worse, especially because there are 2 babies. Now, I will begin checking the babies. Please lift up your shirt, Queen Bloom."

Bloom lifted up her shirt to reveal her bulging bump. Dr. Tompson put gel on Bloom's stomach for the ultrasound. Wow that is cold! Bloom thought. Dr.Tompson put the machine on Bloom's stomach. She moved it around a few times.

"That's odd. I can only find one heartbeat besides yours."

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