Saying Hi

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Me being typical me I decided to head over to Tracey's today to see how everything is going. Sure I've gone over many times, both Stef and I and we are both so proud of everything she has accomplished and has remained clean for he past three years, but I know having Callie say with her is not easy at all. 

Originally when Tracey called us letting us know she was there and planned on staying we didn't think it was the best idea. Not because Tracey isn't a good person or reliable but for the fact that she is still getting her OWN life together. She is making progress by seeing her son and getting ti know him, she is working hard at the beauty shop with Peaches and getting her cosmology licence along with still singing. We love her, we love her dearly but we don't want Callie's illness to jeopardize two lives. Yes, she had been good about letting us know what was going on with Callie but it was unfair the role she was placed in, at least we thought so anyway

But the issue like many things is that Callie is an adult and with Tracey being the accepting person she is we weren't able to convenience her that the idea wasn't a very good one. Plus the fact that Callie seemed to be off and on her meds once again and in the last month she has gone down the drain.

"MAMA LION! Hi!" Tracey says hugging me tight as I hug her back kissing her cheek. She is just as tough as looking as ever but she looks happy, content and that is something that just makes my heart melt.

"Hi baby, how are you. Stopped by with some food." I say as she ushers me in closing the door behind her. As usual her place is spick and span as she shakes her head at me.

"Mama Lion you do not always have to bring me food. I got money!"

"I know you do but I like to." I smile as we head into the kitchen and I pull out a chair taking a seat. Tracey place is really very cute, as she has little curtains up, pictures of all of us on her fridge, she's decorated it so nicely as she hands me a cup of tea.

"For you Mama."

"Thank you baby.  You know I like to check on you. Stop by once in awhile. You are coming to Mama Rose's party right?"

"Definitely. Hello I'm providing the music!" She laughs as she lights a smoke and I smile at her excitement. "Hows Ma? I mean I talk to her everyday but I haven't seen her in about two weeks or so because I'm working so much. She ok because it's hard to tell sometimes on the phone. She evades like crazy." She says shaking her head as I laugh.

"She's fine honey. But, she lessened her hours at the center and putting in more time with her grandkids. I think it's better for her health right now."

"Yeah, I agree.  She takes on alot. But I know she must be excited about Olivia and Judes new baby coming?"

"Oh she is and I can't stop her from buying things." I laugh as she does as well. "I mean things this baby will never need. And we don't even know what she's having yet."

"The baby shower is in a few months right?"

"Yes, in December. So I think Olivia finds out before then. At least I hope or Stef is going to bust a gut."

"That's so sweet. That's how shit was in Chow. You know they had that program with the babies and she was forever in there because some of the Lions Den girls had kids in there and she helped them. Prob kept he sane?"

"I'd say so."

"I'll stop by in a couple days. Today is actually my first day off in like a month. I mean I love the shop, it's good. You know, but I'm grateful for  a day."

"I'm glad. It seems you like it and Mom said you are doing well and building up a client list?"I ask rather impressed as I take a sip of my tea.

"I am! Baby Stef is one of them," She laughs as I bust out laughing again.

"I am not surprised, but how is Nathan?"

"Ok, its tough sometimes. Ya know? I wish I knew him better but I'm working on it. Still learning what he likes and shit,.. Mean and stuff. I still go to meetings, no choice ya know Mama. And like one day I gotta tell him you know, the shit ..I mean the stuff I did, and what I have. I'm just glad shit's not..I mean stuffs not a death sentence anymore.  HIV I mean."

"I know honey. But, you are doing well and Mom and I are very proud of you."I reach over and grab her hand as she holds it back.

"Thanks. That means alot."

"I know it does baby. Shall we have some of the lunch I brought?"

"Yeah!" She says getting up as I help her gather two plates and forks. "How's Noah?He liking school?"

"He's dong well. But most of the time he stays with friends who live closer to campus. THey have their own apartments and...well it wasn't easy." 

"Ohhh so he kinda left too?"

"He did. Yeah. He comes home on weekends and we make him check in and make sure he's doing the right thing, but it's been interesting. We didn't expect him to well basically in some sense move out right when Frankie did. So it's been an interesting adjustment. So to say."

"I bet, and Ali? She still in that pre med program?"She asks getting some napkins out and cups.

"She is. Down in San Diego and she loves it there. She's coming home for Thanksgiving and we are going to meet her boyfriend."

"Oh lord. Does he know about Mom?"

"Ha!! I'm sure he does honey." I smile placing the food in the microwave.

"Mama Lion, I wanna be straight with you..." She says as I look to her concerned face.

"Ok. About what?"

"Cals not here half the damm time.  She comes in all fucking hours of the night.  The other day she brought a guy home. At it wasn't Pete. I don't wanna be a fucking snitch. And, I didn't wanna tell Mom because she's fucking torn up over this shit. But, she banging all kinda men, and smoking weed and stuff.  And I told her I wasn't having that shit here. So she left last night. Is it my fault that..I...

"No. Nope don't do that." I say grabbing her hand and holding it.

"It's just when she came here a few weeks ago she seemed ok. Like she seemed fine like she wanted to get better. But I don't know what happened. She started bugging out and staying weird ass shit. Like that Mom is stealing her kids and that Pete is watching her. She trashed the room I let her sleep in. Like trashed it."

"She's off her meds honey.  Off and on she goes. She takes them starts feeling better then thinks she doesn't need them."

"I was gonna call you and tell you, but I didn't have the heart to tell Mom."

"We already know honey. I mean we figured it out. And, we are going to try to do our best to help her again."

"I don't want her ending up back in Chow. I'm fucking scared for her. She's high all the fucking time. That cunt Sheila fucked Callie up. Cux Callie never did nothing. Ever, I mean she never drank, never smoked nothing.  Now shes like a fuckign dope head, and fucks anything with a dick. She even had a girl up here."

My heart breaks the more Tracey tells me and I know why she couldn't tell Stef, I know and I barely know if I can tell her myself.

"WE will figure this out honey. Somehow, but thank you for telling me and you aren't a snitch. You care and your'e looking out for your sister. But, listen come sit with me and lets chat abotu our life ok? I wanna know more my green eyed girl." I smile as she returns it and I wipe her tears.

"Sure. I got new music. Wanna hear?"

"Always baby." I smile as she heads to get her music but at what he has told me my stomach feels beyond sick. What in the hell are we going to do? 

A Life Completed (Hard Time Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now