The New Addition

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"Oh my goodness a girl? Stef is going to go wild." I say happier then ever to Olivia who had come over after work bursting at the seams to tell us her and Jude found out the gender of their baby. My wife had sworn it was going to be another girl and once again she was right. How she managed to guess the gender of all our grandchildren I have no idea. But she did it again as I feel the tears form in my eyes and squeeze her hand.

"I know, and I know she insisted it was going to be. Jude wanted to wait to tell you guys together but I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to tell her." She says as I smile widely and get up quickly to pour our mugs of tea.

"She will be very happy honey. To know she was right away again." I laugh as she does as well. "Would you like lemon? I know it can help with the nausea?"

"Oh sure. Thanks. But, Mama Stef really guessed all the genders correctly?" She asks rather intrigued as I take a seat beside her adding a bit of monk fruit in my tea. Olivia is always such a site for sore eyes especially in the midst of everything and she has become such a  big part of our family. A very big part and both Stef and I loved hanging out with her. She kept us young and was just the kindest person we knew.

"She did. Every time. How I don't know but call it a sixth sense. She should be home soon she went to do some errands with Mama Rose and is probably spending money on you and Jude again." She playfully rolls her eyes as she ties her long curls on top of her head. 

"She's such a sweet person. I mean good hearted and Jude keeps telling her we don't need anything but, I know she can't help it."

"She can't honey. It's just who she is. Very giving, and generous." I sip my tea smiling as I think back to how generous she was in Chowchilla giving me endless things that in the begging I didn't want at all. I had thought it was just her way to get into my pants but I realized soon after it really was just who she was. 

"Yeah, even if she doesn't have it to give. Mama Lena, we can you know help out. Financially. Jude and I....

I rest my hand on hers as I shake my head. "Oh, no, no, no. Absolutely not honey. Mom and I are fine money wise. We are."

"But, Mama Stef babysits Amelia everyday.  And I give her money for food and stuff and she doesn't take it. We'd have to pay for daycare anyway and with this new baby coming, I don't want her to feel like I expect her to watch both of them or that I take advantage of her.  Jude and I can pay and..

"Sweetheart, let me stop you right there. Ok?" I say as her worried hazel eyes look into mine for I knew Stef had this conversation with her before in regards to this very thing, but I had no problem reminding her. "You aren't taking advantage and we don't want your money. Stef, loves, and I mean spending time with Amelia and  it keeps her sane. And that's what she needs.

"I guess, I just want to do more for you guys. You paid for our wedding, I mean and you got everything when Amelia was born and when we moved into our apartment. I just feel like we need to show you how grateful we are. Please let us do something."

"You do. You come over, you hang out with us, you go out with Stef which she loves. That's how you show us. I swear it honey, that's all we want." I squeeze her hand as she smiles widely at me and we soon hear Mama Rose and my wife walk into our home laughing. These two loved to shop and it was true my wife didn't have many friends since she spent most of her time with our family, something she loved and Mama Rose continued to be one of the most important people to her.

"I told you he was hittin on you Mama! When will you ever listen to me!" Stef jokes putting all her shopping bags down as I get up and kiss her softly on the lips.

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