Trouble (Part II)

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While most of the family was inside packing up along with Mama Rose, Stuart, Tracey, Roxy and Peaches it was unfortunate that Jude and Olivia had already left for the altercation outside was about to get rather intense. Much more and Jude was one of the very few people that could talk some sense into his sister and calm his mother down at the same time. It was also unfortunate that Mike had left as well but not for Stef and Lena, but for Chuckie considering Stef wanted to rip him in half, and she just might.

"Roxy this food was delicious. Thank you so much for making everything." Mama Rose said as the overweight woman who had been loosing weight in the last few months smiled for she was just happy everyone enjoyed it.

"Oh no bother I love it. Gonna get this catering thing really up and going. But you really liked the food? I mean you tell me what was good what wasn't because I'm gonna do a survey and shit to see what you know I can better. " She says as Stuart smiles slicing another piece of pie as Mama Rose can't help but laugh at her husband.

"Everything was good Roxy. This is my forth slice of pie and I lost count how much lasagna I ate." He stuffs his face happily as Roxy can't help but laugh.

"That's real good. I'm glad to hear that shit. For real." She says as they all suddenly soon hear shouting as Tracey puts the pans down and looks out the backdoor. Instantly she feels the fire run inside her big time as she sees Callie in Stef's face.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" She hisses as Peaches along with Mama Rose, Stuart and Roxy see what the commotion is as the overweight woman shakes her head at what she says.

"Oh fuck." Roxy says knowing she damm well needs to get outside right now for she knew damm well what her sister might do, well her and Lena.

"I'll make sure to keep Baby Stef in her room." Mama Rose says. "Peaches can you..

"I'll look after Andrew. Si."

"That poor girl is a mess." Stuart says as he follows Mama Rose to Baby Stef's room who they hoped to God had not heard the commotion as Tracy balls her hands in a fist and Roxy feels something she hasn't felt in a long time. Rage.

"Lets go handle this Trac."

"Yup. I'm on this shit."



"HI MOMS!!! Is this party for me??????!! So nice of you to throw one for US!!" Callie says walking over to us and half dressed as she has on a tight neon green dress as her stomach that had gotten larger sticks out even more.

It had been a few weeks since I had seen her last at that seedy ass motel and if I was honest the site of her continued to be even more horrifying. It really was as her butchered blonde hair was up in a high uncombed ponytail. She had on old flip flips and a dirty jean jacket that I recognized was the one I had gotten her ages ago, except it looked as if it had not been washed in a decade as she had on dark eye makeup that made her look like a fucking hooker.

Again, this was not our Callie, this was far from it as I can only glare at the two of them harder and not taking one eye off of them. My biggest concern was Baby Stef, and Andrew who I hoped was still asleep and didn't hear her big ass fucking mouth. And was Pete fucking still here? FUCK!

"Lena, go inside. Now. I don't want Baby Stef seeing her or this piece of fucking shit she is with again, or what I plan on doing to him. Now." My voice is stern as Lena grabs my hand forcing me to look at her.

"Stef, I am not kidding with you. I am not leaving you to deal with this. I'm not, and you don't need this. Just go inside baby. Please. I will handle this." She whispers but I don't hear her, I hear nothing as these two are now less then five feet from us and I can see how much worse Callie looks up close. Much worse and it makes me want to shackle her to the damm car and drive her ass to a fucking treatment facility. Didn't she know she was destroying her fucking life, and the life of her unborn child, not to mention her other two babies. Didn't she fucking get that?

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