Similar Pain

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"If Nana Lion and I tell you to do something you do it. If Nana Rose tells you to do something you do it, and the same for Aunt Peaches, Uncle Jude and Mike and Aunt Judy. You do not run off like that and you are to obey them like you do me and Nana Lion. You understand me? " Stef says to our granddaughter for as soon as Callie and that Chuckie asshole left  Stef and I headed straight to Baby Stef's room for we both knew how upset she was and that we needed to calm her down.  How could she not be, we all were?

"Is that understood Stefanie Marie?" My wife repeats as she raises her eyebrows a gesture that all the kids know all to well.

"Yes Yaya. I understand, but I needed to protect you both. I needed to."  I grab her hand rubbing it as I look into her soft brown eyes that are almost identical to Callie's as a small smile forms on my wife and I can't help but tuck her long strands away from her young face.

"No baby. We protect you. Yaya, and I always protect you sweetheart and we always will. You do not have to protect either of us, and we always got you. Always" I cup her young cheek seeing tears fall from her eyes with only further makes  both Stef and I feel terrible as I glance at my wife who holds baby Stef's other hand rubbing it. 

"But, I can't just stand there and do nothing. I can't stand there and let her call you both those names. " She turns to look at my wife a woman she loved more then life. " And you're not disabled Yaya and you're not those words. And you don't have dementia. FUCK them for saying that to you." She spits out as Stef cups her cheek looking sternly into her eyes for yes we didn't want her speaking that way but it was no secret she picked up many things from my wife. 

"Hey, hey, watch your mouth honey. I know I'm not one to talk but you watch your language. And listen to me, those words do nothing to me. Nothing. I've been called far worse so you don't worry about that. I know I'm not any of those things sweetheart."

"But they hurt me. They break my heart Yaya, they hurt me so badly." Tears stream down her face as Stef and I hug her tightly as this girl is nearly inconsolable. She is and we hate that this is happening to her as I look into Stefs eyes as she is crying as I am as well. Her eyes look into mine as she rest her head on Baby Stef's kissing it. "I hate being related to her.  Why can't I come from you? I hate her YaYa."

"Don't say that sweets. I know it's hard love, I know it and I'm sorry that, I'm sorry your Mom isn't well honey. Both Nana Lion and I are babygirl and we would do anything for her to be. We would my love." 

"Why is she like this? Why does she do drugs? She's hurting the baby. Shes hurting all of us. What's gonna happen to it?" She continues to sob into my shoulder as our arms are still tightly around her hugging her. "I just hate her so much. I just do so much."

"It's ok sweetheart. It's ok." I soothe. "It's ok." My eyes look into Stef's once again who I see can't hold back much of her crying anymore as she gently rest her head on baby Stef's again as I kiss both of them. I wanted to take her pain away, I wanted to take our granddaughters pain away. Even if her and Stef were strong, their similarities were identical and right now both of their hearts were shattered as well as mine.

Hell we really could have killed Chuckie out there, we could have and I wanted to with my bare hands for all the shit he said about Stef. Yes, she told our granddaughter those words didn't hurt but I knew my wife was very, very self conscious about what her stroke had done to her, I knew that and when someone attacked it it made me want to kill. To murder and I had to do everything in my power not to go after him, or even my own daughter.


"Mama Lion, you don't wanna go over there. You just don't." Roxy says to me as I had shown up at her bakery a few days after the party to have a chat with her. Sure I came to get a few things for the family but at the same time I wanted to know where Callie lived. I did and I knew Stef had gone with Roxy a few weeks ago not that I would do anything but I needed to know and see for myself. "Plus, I know you angry."

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