Fallen Walls

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As Jude Adams Foster exited his patrol car it had taken him a few days to locate his sister, Callie. Sure he found out who the car was registered to, a typical scum bag who had a string of charges and arrests against him from assault, battery and drugs. Nothing good at all and of course the scum bag no longer lived at the address Jude found, but he was able to locate the car regardless at a shitty motel in a part of town that Callie should never be living. Ever for it was filled with junkies, hookers and criminals. But Jude had to remember who Callie had become.

As the young 26 year old questioned the front desk clerk he made his way up the steps of the room his sister was staying in. He had not told his mother he found her just yet as he knocked on the door unsure of what in the hell he would find.

His goal was to talk to Callie, try to get her into some kind of a treatment program, hopefully find out if she was pregnant or not, because before the girl had gotten sick and went off the rails they had been rather close.

Course Callie was a tad weary of Jude now since he was a cop, but the young man tried his best to help his sister anyway he could. Did it bother him how she treated his mother, VERY much so, but he also knew how much this girl meant to his mother.

"Hold up!! HOLD UP!!" He hears recognizing Callie's voice as she opens it shocked and stunned at who it is. Jude himself is rather shocked at her appearance for he didn't realize how damm bad it really was. The girl looked like shit and the worst he had ever seen her as she pulled her tee shirt down a bit.

"Jude? What, what are you doing here?" 

"Was in the neighborhood and just wanted to say Cals."

"Oh. Well, it's not like a super, super good time. Maybe you can come back another day or something. I mean I got alot of stuff to do and everything." She is rather antsy shifting her foot from one foot to the other as her eyes are bug eyed, and her hair a rats nest for it seemed Callie just didn't believe in combing it anymore or taking showers for that matter.

"Yeah, I get that Cals. But I just wanted to talk a bit. Five minutes at the most, if that's ok with you."

"Why? You gonna arrest me Jude?" Her eyes narrow as her tone becomes nasty but Jude being the person he is knows how to calm even the angriest of people.

"No, sis. I just wanted to see if you're ok. That's all." She eyeballs him rather suspiciously as she looks behind him wondering if he's alone. "Is SHE here?"


"Yeah? Is SHE here?"

"No. It's just me. No one else and no one sent me. I'm here on my own."

"Fine, but hold on a sec." She says as he nods his head knowing what she's doing.  He does as she leaves the door cracked a bit enough for Jude to peek inside seeing her cleaning up the drugs and cigarettes off the table along with the beer bottles and take out garbage.  He can only let out a sigh for this was damm awful. It really was as she opens the door wide for him to come in.

"I didn't have time to decorate or anything but it is what it is. We are gonna get our own place soon. Me and Chuckie. Just saving up some."

"That's nice. You mind if I sit?"

"No, it's fine." She says as the young man sits on one of the crappy folding chairs as Callie sits on old busted couch lighting a smoke. Her eyes can't help but keep looking at Jude as he leans forward clasping his hands together.

"So, Olivia and I are having a girl. We just found out a few days ago."

"Oh. Well that's cool. But, don't bring her around Mom, she will fucking steal her and brainwash her like she did to my daughter." She says in a rather bitter tone rolling her eyes as Jude shakes his head knowing she's off her rocker regardless of he fact that he wanted to defend his mother. "Her and Lena, both the most irritating people ever."

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