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"Mama! Do I have to come up there and hurt someone! Cuz I will. I will legit hurt someone for real!" I hear Frankie scream on the other end of the phone as I am getting some sun on the back patio. If it was one thing about having a big family is word traveled fast and once it reached Frankie there was no stopping her from voicing her opinion for she was like me in every way possible. Every single dam way down to the way she looked at someone like she would rip their fucking head off.

Sometimes I wondered how she got so dam rough, especially since I though I was the way I was because of my upbringing but Lena liked to remind me that only played a small part in it. She believes most of my traits I was born with as well as my personality and that I would be this way regardless,  minus the criminal part.

But the older Frankie got the more I saw myself. She was so protective, she was so affectionate, caring and well downright intimidating if she wanted to be. Fuck not to me, but I had seen her on handful of times tell someone off and it was never pretty.


"I think we can get chocolate frosting sweets, or vanilla." I say to Frankie.

"Mm well Mama Lion likes vanilla, Baby Stef likes chocolate. So maybe both frosting." She says holding the two bottles of Dunkin Hines frosting as we were shopping for a little family get together.   "We can do half and half Ma."

"Alright. This way everyone's fucking happy." I smile at her as she tosses a few jars in along with the cake mix as someone nearly bumps into me with their cart.  Turning around I see a woman about my age give me a look as if I was at fucking fault. What the fuck?

"Can you move! I need to get something from this section." She says as I narrow my eyes at her like she lost her fucking ass mind. But before I can even say a word, before I can even think of anything to say my daughter steps right in front of me getting in this woman's face and I knew damm well she was about to tear right into her. 

"Excuse you? What the fuck did you just say? Like I know you ain't speak to my mother like that." G


"I said I need to get to this section. Can you move." I grab my daughters hand so I can't take over but it's no fucking use. This child is just like me especially when I was her age for once she's pissed it goes from 0-1000 in less then a second.

"That's real funny, because I thought you slammed into my mother with your fucking cart. Unless I'm seeing shit.  Because last time I checked that's real poor manners. Like real poor and when someone has poor manners with my mother, well, lets just say that shit ain't good honey. Because it never fucking ends well. Ever, and you lucky I don't take that cart and ram up your fucking ass. Cuz if we was outside, I would. For real. You and me right now."


"Heffer you gonna apologize to my mother, before I split you in two with this shopping cart and you gonna be gumming all that food you got in your cart for now on. You gonna need a fucking FEEDING TUBE! So you apologize!!!"

"Frankie..." Pulling her away from this woman who backs up looking horrified I knew they were probably two seconds away from calling fucking security, not that I didn't wanna tell this woman off myself.

"Why you backing up huh? Ain't got nothing to say no more? Talking about MOVE. No you move heffier! You fucking move, I will whip your fat ass for talking to my mother that way!"

"I will call security on both of you!"

"Go on call! If you even make it to the front!" Frankie screams as I pull her back again and the woman runs off leaving her cart behind as we turn around seeing Lena who doesn't look the least bit amused.

A Life Completed (Hard Time Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now