A New Addition

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"She was brought in about two weeks, and well, the baby is pretty ill. Callie almost didn't make it. The labor and C section were pretty rough." Wilson says as I rub my forehead trying to make sense of all of this. Since Callie disappeared a few weeks ago after accusing Mike of rape, Jude had been looking for her all over as much as he could.  Unfortunately, there had been no sign of her but when we got a call from Wilson today alerting us that she had given birth a few weeks ago the day after Thanksgiving it threw us for a loop. Even if we weren't fully surprised.

"Is, is the baby ok?" I ask as I feel Stef's hand inside mine as she has not said one word. "Is Callie ok?"

"The baby, well, she's not well being born at only six months with withdrawal. She's in the NICU on a breathing machine, and has been since she was born." I rub my forehead again as I turn to look at Stef who is still staring at the ground not saying a word. "And Callie?"

"Callie bailed after she was questioned by social workers. Her tests came back with a host full of drugs in her system. Meth, heroin, crack, a cocktail of  drugs along with alcohol. My guess she was afraid she'd be arrested."

"She should be arrested." Stef says quietly as I squeeze her hand and she still fails to look at either of us. To hear what Callie had in her system was heartbreaking beyond words even though we knew she was on drugs but to hear it made me feel sick to my stomach. To also hear that our new grandbaby was very sick killed my heart and judging by how Stef had barely said anything I knew how hard she was taking it.

"She may be if she keeps this up."Wilson says as Stef looks up from the floor. 

"Yeah or die in an alley. More importantly I want to see my grandbaby. Now. I want to know how she is, what they hell they are doing for her, everything. AND I want to know when we can bring her home and what she needs from us Wilson. Callie is not my concern right now, this little baby is." My wife says rather forcefully as he nods his head.

"I understand that Stef. But we need to...

"There's no but Wilson. I mean you forget who the fuck you talking to and when it comes to my babies I will knock the fucking door down and anyone in my fucking way. That's all I fucking know."

"Babe."I whisper as my wife looks at me letting out a sigh. I knew how protective she was, heck I was too, but I did not want her to get angry and raise her blood pressure. "What my wife means is, Wilson, we just want to make sure our grandchild is ok. Obviously we had no idea that Callie even gave birth and we are eager to see our grandchild. Does, does she have a name?" I ask as Wilson shakes his head.

"So Callie just up and leaves, doesn't name her nothing. What to get her next fucking fix? What the fuck is the point of her even having a baby?  Fucking ridiculous. Her and that low life piece of shit who if he is the father I don't give a fucking shit. I don't. He can go fuck himself. I should have put a fuckin' bullet in his fucking brain."

"Stef, I doubt that guy is the father."

"Yeah? You got proof Wilson?"

"Well, I think the baby is proof enough."

"Why is that?" I ask confused.

"Well, I mean I've seen Callie and I've seen this guy she is with. And well, that baby is, well..."He hesitates as I can feel the impatience a mile away growing from my wife.

"Is what?" Stef asks as he gets up and retrieves a photo from his file handing it to us. "You had a fucking photo all this time? What the fuck Wilson! How long did you know Callie had my grandbaby!"

"Honey." I warn as she shakes her head again rolling her eyes as we both now look at the photo.  Instantly my heart breaks seeing this little girl hooked up to machines and at how tiny she is. But I also notice her dark completion and tight curly hair as I look over at my wife who has tears rolling down her cheeks as she rubs the photo.

"I'm not an expert but I...

"Think the father is black." Stef says as Wilson nods his head again.

"But considering what we are dealing with here neither of them are capable of taking care of a baby, and Callie is in alot of trouble for leaving that baby behind. But listen, even if Chuckie is the father, which again I doubt, but I can't rule it out, we still will need to get proof of that so that if he tries to challenge this he won't be able to. And he is listed on the birth certificate."

"Of course he is." My wife says even more annoyed. "Look forget her and that fucking shit face, I want to see my grandchild. That's all that matters to me right now Wilson. Her health, and her safety because I don't put it past that manipulative junkie daughter of mine to try to take her from the hospital. So if I have to sleep in the fucking neonatal I will. I will do whatever the fuck I need for that little girl. We both will." Her voice is stern and cold which I know all to well signals that she is not messing around. Neither of us are as I look back at Wilson.

"My wife is right. This baby is our concern. So when can we see her?"


It was safe to say that the news of Callie giving birth put the family at ease but also in stress. The fact that the new addition wasn't doing well and was born with a host of problems caused great concern for all of them. 

Stef and Lena of course were taking it hard but Baby Stef probably struggled the most. She just wanted to be in the hosptial everyday with her new little sister and by her side 24/7. Of course that wasn't possible as Stef and Lena took turns staying with their new grandchild at the NICU, comforting her the best they could almost to the point of sleep deprivation as Callie stayed hidden.

No one knew where she was, and it wasn't that they didn't care it was just this new little addition was their main focus and always would be.

It was a sad situation if everyone was honest but Stef and Lena were determined to give the little baby a wonderful life. Regardless of the many health issues she may face, or even mental issues the love they had for this little girl was beyond words. A little girl whose name was yet to be decided. Until now.

"Are you sure I can name her Yaya? I mean it's ok?"

"Of course. We wouldn't want anyone else to baby." The blonde smiles as well as Lena as Baby Stef heads over to the little incubator sliding her hand in to touch her baby sisters tiny fingers.  She loved her, she adored her and just wanted her to be ok.  That's all as she rubbed her little hand hearjng the breathing machines beep for her lungs were not fully developed.

"You name her whatever you see fit honey. It's your choice." Lena speaks softly as Baby Stef smiles at her looking right back at her little sister.

"I just want you to know I love you. I know you can't hear or see well but one day you will. I swear it and I will teach you whatever you need to know and more. We will read, listen to music and go anywhere you want. I'll cook for you, and y'all taste Nana Lions food and Yayas.  Yaya will make you stronger, and Nana Lion will make you sweeter."

"I will stand behind you, next to you wherever you want forever.  I will fight whoever dares to bother you because they will learn not to mess with you. So you gotta be ok, you gotta make it because we have tons to do little sweetheart. Tons. And I have faith that you will be ok." Tears roll down not only Baby Stefs cheeks but Lena's as well as Stef's for her little speech was heartbreaking. It really was as the young teen turns to look at her grandmothers.

"That's it. That's her name. Faith. I want to name her Faith, Yaya."

Stef and Lena can only smile as they each wipe their tears.

"Faith Catherine Adams Foster. Is that ok?"

"That is beautiful. And she's so lucky to have you as a big sister. So very lucky." The blonde says grabbing her hands as Baby Stef smiles.

"I hope so. And I will love her no matter what."

"We know babygirl. We know." Stef kisses the young girl on the forehead as the three of them stare at little Faith who was fighting for her life.

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