The Long Weeks

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The last few weeks had been long and rather challenging in terms of Callie's detoxing as we were all preparing for Thanksgiving, and the arrival of Olivia and Jude's baby in less then a month. Something we were all so very excited about  considering Olivia was growing by the day but was unfortunately on bed rest. Therefore,x Stef took over watching Amelia on days she didn't go to daycare and when Jude was at work.

 Truthfully helping Olivia and taking Amelia back and forth to half day daycare was probably the best distraction for her especially with all the drama surrounding Callie which continued to be one giant mess. Her level of manipulation or at least trying to manipulate was very crafty but she was never able to pull it off on any of us. Was this who she was? No, but those drugs had done a number on her brain and we were still trying to figure out the correct dosage of her bipolar medication.

One thing was certain was her baby was still our priority and we would try to continue to help Callie the best we could.

"What did she do?  Just tell me Lena?" Stef asks as I'm pouring my afternoon coffee having just came from Callie's doctor appointment and from dropping Baby Stef off at choir with Mama Rose I knew Stef was eager to hear how the baby was as stared right into my eyes.

"Baby, nothing.  Nothing happened sweetheart. It's going as expected with Callie."

"Ok, and how was the appointment this morning? Is, is the baby ok?" I put my mug down and look right into her begging eyes as the worry grows even more. Of course she was worried abotu Callie too but we were very concerned for our new grandchild as well. "Len?"

"The baby is fine sweetheart. I mean, growing, developing. She's fine."

"She?" She softly smiles as I grab her hand squeezing it for yes we found out Callie was having a girl.

"Yes. She. If Callie stays off drugs I mean, it's not guaranteed of course but the baby may not have such a hard time or go through such terrible withdrawl. It's hard to predict how it will go. But it seems this family loves girls, huh?" I smile as she looks at me with tears in her eyes as I step closer to her and stroke her cheek.. "I have a sonogram. Do you want to see?"

"Yes and no." She laughs awkwardly as I walk over to my purse and pull out the photo we had gotten today and hand it to my wife who takes it hesitantly from my hands. I can see a smile form on her face as she wipes the tears that formed in her eyes.

"Callie got some blood work done today too and the heartbeat is fine, she has ten fingers and ten toes. I haven't gotten into it with her about the situation, because even if she remains clean I don't think she is capable of handling or taking care of this baby. Especially with the bipolar not being fully treated effectively.

"Not at all." She whispers as we both take a seat on the couch and she rubs the photo with her finger just like she did with all the other grandkids sonograms.

"And you know the OBGYN  said to expect she can come early like they told us before. I had to take her to a clinic since she has no insurance. She will give birth at county, and when she does give birth depending on what is going on at the time, it's still possible she's a flight risk."

"I know that goes without saying Len."

"Mike took her phone sine she was texting you know who which Jude and Mike haven't found him yet."

"Baby, my optimism is not very high. It's just fucking not. The minute she gets a chance she's gonna go back with that fuck face and back on drugs. I wanna believe that this time will be different. My fucking heart wants to believe that. But I don't babe. I don't. I'm fully aware that this little girl, will be born with drugs in her system and will need alot of love.  You know Baby Stef asked me if, well she said what's the point Yaya? What's the point of helping Callie again?"

"And I told her that she's our daughter, ya know. And that you will do anything for your kids. Anything to help them and make sure they are ok and not in any pain. And that you and I trade off and do what the other parent may not be able to at the time. And she asked me if I forgive Callie."

"Do you?" I ask as she lets out a sigh glancing at me.

"For doing this to herself? I don't know babe. It's hard to say sweets."

"Listen, I don't know if I even forgive her. For the names she called you and has been calling you. Those names are hard for me to hear about you, even if I know you have been called worse, BUT not by your own child. I know how sensitive you are about your health and what its done to you. I know sometimes you are depressed, I know that. And I see it. I know you think you are weak now, because some days you don't have the coordination that you use to.  I know you HATE checking your blood pressure and taking meds for it. I know all that." I continue as tears roll down her cheeks again and I move closer to her.

"I use to be strong and tough Len. I was a fucking bitch, and I was tough as steal. I was, and nothing got to me. Nothing."

"You are still tough. Just because you have those things doesn't mean you aren't. And you felt. You always felt. Which is why you got me." I laugh as she smiles wide at me. "You were always sensitive, it just took certain people to bring it out. You still are the head of this family. Everyone sees you that way. But even sometimes the head of the family needs a little hiatus."

"I'd get my ass kicked in Chow now."

"No, you wouldn't. You would not. Because I wouldn't let that happen and neither would your girls." She looks at me smiling again as I lean in and kiss her soft lips.

"I wish this didn't tear me up Len. I wish it didn't, but it fucking does."

"I know baby. I know."

We were grateful for the distraction of Thanksgiving even though there was the question on what we would do with Callie on Thanksgiving for we still couldn't leave her alone, and we just weren't comfortable having her at our home.  That was definitely something Stef and I would need to speak about as well as the entire family.

But for now we were getting ready for Frankie to visit, as well as Mariana for the holiday and if anything was making my wife happy it was that. And me as well.

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