A Life Completed

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The mental and physical state of Callie Lena Adams Foster was tragic, difficult, and not to mention sad. She herself didn't even realize how badly her life had gone down the drain, all the terrible mistakes she made, and how bad the downward spiral her life had become. In her current state of mind she didn't know anything about redeeming herself for she wasn't in the head space to do so. At the end of the day she desperately still needed help but refused to get it from those that loved her most for she just couldn't see how much her family loved her, and may never see that again.

As Callie lay in the passenger seat of the rusted out car her and Chuckie stole when she ran from the hospital, images of her life continued to flash in and out of her mind. What was left of it anyhow. Even if she had a hard time disgusting what was real vs what actually happened, thought about Sheila, her time in Chowchilla of course, her children, Tracey, Pete and of course both Stef and Lena. Sadly, she just couldn't remember loving them, she couldn't remember adoring Stef or the close relationship they once had that meant to the world to her, nor could she remember how far she had come in life once they all got out of Chow.  She barely could remember the many holidays the family had together, the birth of her children, or how happy she was the day she got adopted for being Callie Adams Foster was once her only dream. 

At times when the drugs wore off and she was in a somewhat ok state of mind tears would form on her eyes at some of these memories. But then that anger that took over her mind, and her soul along with the mixture of drugs that she would take to block all that pain out, clouded it all once again.

Sometimes Callie blamed her downfall on Stef for having a stroke and losing her memory, and not remembering how close they were.  Sometimes she blamed Sheila for introducing her to drugs and prostitution when she was at her weakest, but most of the time when she was somewhat clear headed she blamed herself. But part of her liked the life she had now, so she tried to convince herself, for she liked the freedom and she loved Chuckie even if he abused her physically, verbally, and emotionally pretty much daily.

Scary enough the two had gotten married, and Callie was now Callie Royce to know ones knowledge.  In her foggy mind she wanted to forget all about Callie Adams Foster as her and Chuckie stole cars, robbed little stores and pickpocketed people to feed their drug habit. He was also talking her into getting pregnant again in hopes some couple would be interested ni adopting the baby and they could collect the money. Any scheme Chuckie could think of he did 

"Chucks I don't know why we couldn't just take her. I, I hated to just leave her behind like that. She's so little and tiny! I didn't even name her yet."

"Callie I told you we gonna go back and get her. You gotta start paying attention to what the fuck I tell you. They'd be on our ass especially that cunt of a mother of yours and that bitch cop uncle. Should put a bullet in her fucking head." He lights his smoke as Callie feels the usual slight pain from her c section that never properly healed. "Besides we can't take no sick baby on the road."

"She wasn't sick Chucks." The girl says pinning up her dry and brittle hair that continued to look like a rats nest. She had also lost a considerable amount of weight as her face appeared to be sunken in and she had developed acne and a few missing teeth on the side.

"You stupid as fuck. I don't know how your stupid ass survived in jail."he laughs as Callie rolls her eyes. "Oh right you had that old ass bitch looking after you.  Probably fucked her."

"What? No we didn't.  She was like my mother."

"Oh so you was just on her tit then? That's why you can't do shit. Never could never will. So you better let me handle shit for now on since your dumb ugly ass ain't got no fucking brain. You the one that fucked up that whole shit with your uncle! I told you the point was to blackmail his ass so we could get some fucking ass money! "

"I have a brain! I can..." she yells back but soon feels Chuckie smack her hard in the face and yank her by her hair getting in her face.

"What the fuck I tell you about mouthing off to me? Huh? What the fuck I tell you! Stupid ass bitch!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Chuckie!" She begs tears forming in her eyes as the man yanks harder.

"Yeah? You want me to beat your ass like I did last night? Huh? And treat you like the fucking trash you really are! HUH?!"


"Then you gonna do what I say since you my wife now. I own you and I own you for life because nobody wants your junkie, slutty ass. Now, we need money to get to Florida and live that life you want. So you gonna get us money. You gonna fix yourself up, look all beautiful and make us that money by offering that ass cuz that's all you good for. That's it!  You got me? Cuz if not I'm gonna hurt you. Bad."

"I know, I will, I will I swear it."

"Yeah I know you will."

Callie could only nod her head as more tears ran down her face for she was wondering if she was better off dead or back in jail for the beautiful life she once had was completed and may never to be seen again.



Book 6, The Fight For Faith, is next! Stay tuned! I promise their will be good moments :)

You guys feel bad for Callie?

A Life Completed (Hard Time Series Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now