I Don't Trust It

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My heart nearly pounds out of my chest as I hear an all too familiar voice on the other end one I never expect to hear as Callie is crying and sobbing her eyes out on the other end. 

"He's beating me up!!! He threw me against the wall and stuff and I'm bleeding. My, my face is all cut up and can you come! Please, Mom, please! I'm worried about my baby! I'm worried that it's not ok!" She continues to cry in a panic as she is nearly inconsolable as I rub my forehead feeling Lena beside me rubbing my arm up and down and looking rather worried herself. I glance at her and shake my head as her facial expression says it all. "I'm scared Mom!"

"Ok it's ok, where are you at the motel? Where are you baby?" The affection spills from my mouth as I continue to hear the panic on the other end. Shit, of course I am worried myself for if Callie was infact telling the truth I was going to rip Chuckie in half and have him for lunch. 

"I'm in the bathroom! I locked it so he can't get in! I, I think he left! Can you come please Mom. Please, please can you!? I'm so scared! I am."

"I will be right there, baby. Where are you bleeding? Do you have any stomach pain? Bleeding between your legs?"

"No, no....I'm just scared."

"Ok, do me a favor, DO NO MOVE OUT OF THAT ROOM. Understand me? DO NOT!! If he comes back and tries to get in use whatever the fuck you have in there and spray it in his face. You understand!!! HUH?"

"Yes. Yes I will. Please hurry. Please." She begs as her voice sounds so scared and nothing like it has the past few months and it just tears me the fuck apart like it has every single time. Fuck.

"I'm coming baby." Quickly hanging up my cell and nearly killing myself to throw on pants and a shirt my brain is all kind of frazzled right now as I slide on my shoes. "Len, I gotta go to Callie's."

"What happened? What's going." She jumps up as well looking worried as I tie my hair up and grab my glasses.

"I don't know but that fucking shit beat her up and she's in the bathroom hiding and I'm going to ripe his fucking ass throat out! That's all I FUCKING know!"

"Well, you aren't going alone. No way! No way!" She says putting her sweats on and sweatshirt along with her sneakers as I grab her hand stopping her.

"Love, all the babies are here. I can go."

"Oh hell no! There is no way you are going alone. Ever. Baby Stef is old enough to be here for a few while I call Mama to come over and my father. But there is no way in hell I'm letting you go over there to deal with this alone. And we will call Mike and Jude." She insist as I look to the ground then back into her determined eyes. "Stef, I love our daughter but I don't trust her. I don't."

"Lena, it didn't sound like she was faking. Ok? It didn't."

"I never said she was, but you and I both know what all this has done to her and her brain. She is NOT to be trusted and I don't not trust leaving you alone with her.  So, you do not fight me on this no way honey, because f something happens to you, I WILL Be the one going back to Chow. Now lets go."  She says in a rather stern tone grabbing my hand as we quickly call my brother and Mama Rose who shows up in less then ten minutes to watch the babies.

What was hard was I knew that Lena was right. I knew she was because it was very hard for me not to get sucked into Callie whenever she pleaded for my  help and I was pretty sure she knew that, which was another reason Lena did not want me coming along, and to be honest I was happy I didn't.

As we run up the steps of the motel to Callie's room we see the door ajar as both Jude and Mike are seated on the couch and Callie on a sofa chair. Lena's hand remains in mine as she looks at me going in first as I'm right behind her. But as my eyes look at Callie she most certainly was not lying for her face is all banged up as she sits there with just an old long teeshirt on bare feet, her hair up in matted ponytail. 

The room is a complete mess, there is garbage all over, empty old pizza boxes, beer bottles, clothing and a million cigarettes in the ashtray. It was  a god awful site and the smell was enough to make you want to fucking vomit. But me being me I can't help but clear a spot next to Callie as I gently grab her hand feeling hers shake inside mine.

 "Are you ok. Are you ok baby?" I soothe as she looks right into my eyes hers running with dark mascara. 

"Yeah. Just he went all fucking crazy and shit on me." Tears run down her beat up face as Lena sits beside me. "I didn't take his stupid shit. He was trying to strangle me. I don't do drugs anymore. I stopped. " She says as I look at Mike and Jude and feel Lena hold my hand tighter and I can't help but feel nothing but rage in my body. Nothing, but rage at the though of what this fuck face was doing to her. But, I knew she was doing it to herself as well.

"Where the fuck is now?"

"I don't know. He ran off. Probably to like get high or some shit or one of his friends. I don't know. I've been clean for like a week Mom. I have. And I took my meds. I did, and he's all fucking pissed at me and shit. He tried to stab me in the stomach. Crazy ass. Can you like fucking arrest him Mike? Jude?"

"If you press charges. Yes. You have to come down to the station and file a report. We will go looking for him and arrest him for domestic abuse." My brother says as Callie begins to scratch up her arm as I can see her shaking still which I instantly know and see she is still very much on drugs as Lena squeezes my free hand. "But we should definitely take you to the hosptial to make sure everything is ok with the baby."

"No. I don't want them doing fucking tests and shit on me."

"You have no choice Callie. If he threw you against a wall you need to make sure your baby is ok." I say as she lets out a sigh and scratches head.

"I just wanna fucking sleep. That's all. Can I come home Mom? I don't wanna stay here incase he comes back. I just wanna sleep in my own bed in my house.  Please Mom let me come home." She nearly pleads as I look over at Mike and Jude who shake their heads for they too are all too familiar with the affect Callie has on me.

"How about we go get you dressed  and pack a few things." Lena breaks the silence for which I am grateful as Callie gets up and follows her to the other room as Jude takes a seat beside me.


"I know. I learned my lesson last time. She's not coming home with us. NO fucking way."

"Sis, she's not off drugs I mean I can see that." Mike says whispering as Jude grabs my hand and I run my fingers through my hair. "Judy and I can take her until a bed opens up at the rehab."

"Mike, fuck no. No."


"Mike, no. NO. Because all the fuck she is gonna do is run off again and be worse of then she is now. And this Chuckie his fucking ass is mine. I'm going to rip his fucking dick off!"

"Mom, you can't. You can't you need too, you can't do that. You can't fight Callie's battles anymore Ma. You can't." My son says as I let out a heavy sigh looking into his worried eyes. "Mama I know that you, that we all mean the world to you. I know that but I'm not loosing you to her.  I'm not. I almost lost you once, so please let me and Uncle Mike find and deal with Chuckie. Please."

"Ok baby. Ok." I softly smile at my son as he leans in and kisses my cheek for I know he is right too.

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